Side Story 1 : Rimuru visits Tbate (6)

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Arthur pov:

It's the start of a new day and according to Tess also our last days in the forest, she says that there is a familiar feeling nearby.
Rimuru agreed that it wouldn't be long anymore before we arrive at the Elven Kingdom.

Tess and I have been talking for a while now and she suddenly stopped, she looked around and sniffed the air, wondering what she was doing I asked "What are you doing Tess?", She looked at me and hushed before turning around and running towards a tree, her twitching ears are so cute.
When she touched the tree, a glow started emitting from the tree and revealed a passage with at the end a strange inscription, Rimuru looked at it and channeled a bit of mana into it, the array glowed before it dimmed again and then it was Tess that placed her hand on the array which glowed in recognition and opened a portal leading to a kingdom encircled by trees, so much green, it even surpassed the amount of green I've seen in my entire past life and I've been on a battlefield for years.

When we walked through the portal we were immediately surrounded by guards that bowed and gave a salute "We welcome the royal princess."
I was still pretty sure that I was hallucinating from the remaining aftereffects of the teleportation gate, but when I looked at her with a questioning gaze she just nodded at me.
I immediately sensed the carriage approaching and saw three people coming out of it,
One was an elder elf with wrinkles and greyed hair and a little goatee dressed in a white robe tied with a belt as well as green robes covering it, the other two who I assumed were Tessia's parents, they ran towards her and pulled her into a hug, the pristine royal family was now crying into one another while hugging.
The elder one approached me and asked who I was,
I gave a courtly bow and said "My name is Arthur Leywin and the one with blue hair is my temporary guardian." Rimuru simply gave a nod and said "Rimuru Tempest temporary guardian of this little one." , The elder looked questioningly at me and gave Rimuru a glance, I could see the excitement in his eyes, he looked at me as if he had a new toy, but before anything happened Tess ran over to me and grabbed my hand dragging me away from The elder elf until we were in the carriage.

While we were riding in the carriage and Rimuru riding on top of the carriage, Tess had fallen asleep on my shoulder and I gave a little smile, her parents and the elder elf gave me a smile and a little bit of bewilderment was present in their eyes.
"The ride will take a while so close your eyes and get some rest." The elder one said and threw a blanket at me.

When we arrived at the palace, I was surprised by how small it looked compared to the many other noble houses I've seen till now, but despite the smaller size it was still the size of a huge mansion.
We walked inside following Tess's parents into the hall with a long table, Chairs adorning the head and tail of the table and a couple of seats at side of the table as well.
As we sat down they asked if I wanted to rest before explaining, I was about to reject their proposal and felt a hand land on my shoulders, I looked behind me and saw Rimuru standing there with a small smile on her face "Take it Arthur, I'll explain the situation.", Her sooting voice reached me and I was escorted to my room by the maids.
Rimuru pov:

I'm now sitting in the hall on the outer end of the table about to explain the situation.
"I assume you have some questions, but please leave them until I explain what occured in the past week." Thay nodded at me and I continued,
"Well then, to start with, me and Arthur we're on our way to Xyrus city when we were attacked by bandits, when Arthur noticed that one mage wasn't there, he ran at his mother and pushed her away taking the full brunt of the water bullet.
I met up with Arthur a little later near a cave where I was searching for him, after that we came towards the elshire forest in hopes of finding my way back, but when we were eating breakfast, we heard a scream, we ran towards the scream and saw slave traders try to kidnap Tessia.
I killed the four slave traders and then we accompanied Tessia until she was home and now it's time for me and Arthur to leave as well. Tomorrow morning we'll be gone." They looked at me a little stunned before hatred appeared in Alduins eyes as he muttered cursed under his breath "I knew humans would be responsible for this.", I looked at him and said "Not all humans are evil, it's like saying that just because one apple is rotten that all of them are. It's just a small percentage which is still a small percentage to much."
He looked at me in understanding and then pity before saying "Thank you for clearing my mind a little, but I do have to bring a little bit of bad news, You won't be able to return for another 5 years at least.".
I already knew that but pretended to be shocked.
The elder one suddenly spoke "May I be so rude to ask for your core stages as a measure of defense?"
"Very well, Arthur is at solid-yellow and I'm at white." I said while showing off a little bit of my power, to say they were surprised was an understatement. They then had a questioning gaze and asked "The boy has already awakened? How old is he?" "3years and yes." Was my simple reply.
The end.
Hope you enjoy the cliffhanger.

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