Arrival at the top

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After Zeke had trapped the spider and killed it with lava, he hurriedly started digging upwards in an attempt to reach the top, but was quickly stopped when a massive killing intent bore itself down on his shoulders.
Zeke who was shivering was debating whether the mountain was shaking or if it's just him.

The killing intent that had surfaced mere seconds ago had quickly disappeared as it left the surrounding forest completely silent.
Claire who was nearing the top had also felt it and fell on her knees gripping her throat in an attempt to clear that which was blocking her airpipe.

The examiner who had reached the top was leisurely sitting down on a chair while sipping mint tea before dropping the cup on the ground and running towards the killing intent or at least where the killing intent had come from.

Shiraori and Rimuru also felt the killing intent, but decided to ignore it in favor of making their way to the top.

At the foot of the mountain was a gaint Snake that was coiled up into a ball, the snake had felt the killing intent and decided to hide to the best of it's capabilities.
The snake had opened it's eyes in the direction of the killing intent, it's eyes widened upon the sight of the boy he had killed mere hours ago.
That same boy was standing up in front of the snake with a purple aura covering his entire body.
James pov:

After slowly bleeding out from the wounds acquired from the snake, I had felt my body giving up on trying to save me and instead had sent all the energy to my brain in order to preserve it in the hopes of keeping him alive.
The magic energy that surged towards my brain was not a small amount at all, It was more magic than I've felt in my body over the past few years combined.
This sudden rush of magic had stabilized my condition and was slowly healing all the wounds on the way to my brain.
My body felt the need to bask in the energy as it encompassed not only my brain, but my entire body.
That magic energy looked different from my usual magic, but I didn't pay to much attention to that and simply accepted the benefits from it.

The purple magic had completely healed me and was now frantically searching for release as my body was breaking down from the constant flow of such potent magic, it was bareable when it healed me, but now its got no outlet and it's wreaking havoc inside of my body.

I opened my eyes and looked around before noticing the wide path of smooth dirt that led me to the giant snake that nearly killed me.
In an attempt to take revenge and release that magic, I had forced all that magic around my right hand which was breaking down at a speed visible to the naked eye, but I didn't mind as I punched the air in front of me and missed the snake, the punch didn't connect, but instead the force trapped inside my fist was released outwards and destroyed nearly 5 kilometers worth of forest.
The wide path of destruction made my jaw hang loosely.
I quickly snapped out of it and turned my attention to the giant snake which was now quickly gliding it's way in the opposite direction, the giant snake had most likely not noticed how that punch took all the magic energy in my body and left me completely exhausted.
I laid down on the smooth ground and closed my eyes, before they completely closed, I had noticed a silhouette moving at considerably fast speeds and picking me up.
No pov:

Now that the examiner had taken the young James to the top, other participants had also started reaching the top in the order
Claire, Rimuru, Shiraori, Zeke.
Once all four remaining contestants had arrived,
The examiner said "You four are the only ones who have passed this test, on the way to your rooms you might find the young James, but he has failed the test and was on the brink of death as I found him.
The other participant is also dead.
When you walk through that door you will notice a long hallway, once you reach the end you will see a desk, on that desk is everything you need.
See you tomorrow for the test in order to assess your actual rank."

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