Side Story 1 : Rimuru visits Tbate

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Rimuru pov:

I am currently sitting on the couch watching my classmates on tv and being incredibly bored.
Shiraori is also completely wrapped up in video games even though we're on another planet.
I guess I'll leave a note for her and go on a little adventure on my own, I'll also leave a little device with my own mana inside of it, that way Shiraori can find me at any time and place I go to.
Let's also prepare a bit of food that should last her for at least an entire month of not more.

I'm now currently exiting the universe I was in previously and am flying somewhere and I don't know where.
I've been landing here and there at interesting places, but they're all desolate and boring so I quickly left those planets to move onto another planet.
(A couple multiverses further)

I am now flying around a certain planet which looks interesting.
The planet itself is almost completely desolate except for a few kingdoms and the massive ruins of the cities that are now past tense.
At one of the kingdoms I can sense a powerful soul that is about to die, so I quickly arrived to see a 40 year old man laying down on a bed, the man was slowly closing his eyes and took his last breath.
The soul of the man quickly left and entered the cycle of reincarnation, but his soul seems to retain all of his memories which is interesting to say the least.
So I followed the soul and ended up in a large plain with a little wooden hut in the middle of the plain.
The boy himself was reborn and is very interested in the world around him l, he's even already forming that thing these humans call cores and the concept of it makes sense and no sense at the same time, like why would you need a core when you can simply use magic by thinking about it and it makes sense because you need somewhere to store the mana.
I've also tried the method and it kinda works, but it's still inferior to the magic system I use.
That purple energy that's around this planet is one of the most interesting things I've ever seen, I mean the amount of things you can do with it is amazing, but it's still weaker than stardust and turn null, while the versatility is better, the density is much lower.

For now I'll just wait somewhere till the interesting part starts and that place with the concealed aura seems to be perfect for waiting, I'll also have someone to talk to in the meanwhile.

I've arrived at the entrance and I've completely hidden myself, when I entered the big cave, i noticed something with black armour and horns that went from their ears to the front of their forehead.

"Hello." I said in a casual tone.
The being looks at me with a hint of curiosity and fear.
"Who are you?" The being asked me and I replied.
"My name is Rimuru, what's yours?"
The being looked at me for a few seconds and answered, "My name is Silvia. What brings you here Rimuru?"
"I'm here to find something to relieve my boredom and I think I've found it?" Silvia looked at me with more fear than before and was getting into an offensive stance or at least as offensive that an injured being can get.
"What have you found to relieve your boredom?"

"I've found a reincarnation."
She looked at me with a bit of surprise and lowered her guard.
"What is your core level Rimuru? I can't seem to see it."

"Oh yeah, that's because I destroyed it."

"Why did you destroy it?" She looked at me with a bit of concern.

"Because it was useless to me."
She again eyed me with suspicion.

"The mana core is useless, the only thing that could be remotely useful is that purple energy I see everywhere."
She looked at me in surprise and asked if I was human.
"No I'm not, I'm not human, I'm a dragon."
I said that and started transforming into silver-blue scaled dragon with a pair of silver horns on the top of my head with bright wings spreading from my back.
Sylvia looked at me in surprise and a tint of resurfacing fear.
"Are you here to take me back to the my father?"
I was baffled at her question until I toned some magic into my eyes and saw straight through her armour, she was a white dragon with golden runes all over her spine.
"No, I'm not at all familiar with the dragons from this planet." She looked a little baffled before asking
"This planet?"
"Yeah, there are countless other planets out there and this one is currently the most interesting one."
Sylvia pov:

This silver-blue haired girl just appeared at the entrance of the cave and kept saying weird stuff.
At first I was afraid she was here to harm me or take me back to Agrona, but she had no horns so it was not Agrona and I also can't sense any asuran aura from this strange girl.
She also transformed into a dragon which didn't make any sense and now she's talking about other planets and what type of planets they were, I was even surprised by the amount of other planets there were.
All of a sudden she stopped talking and looked at a certain direction, before I could ask what she was doing my vision showed me a plain with a wooden hut in the middle of it, the next moment it exploded into a few bigger and a lot of smaller pieces, when I took another look I noticed the 1- year old boy floating above the ground with an awakened core at the dark-red stage.
What surprised me was not that the boy awakened so young since most asuras were born with one, no what surprised me were the golden markings spreading around his back and onto his arms, the girl I was talking with suddenly wrapped a barrier around the area and the marking stopped glowing.
When I came back to my senses the girl I was talking to was smiling a crazy smile.

The end.
Hope you enjoyed the side story.

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