🍋 Lemon 🍋 Ciel x Rimuru

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This is not canon to the story and is an extra chapter as reward for reaching 100k views.

On a sunny day, a blue haired beauty sat down on a garden chair while admiring the ocean.
Beside the blue haired beauty was someone that looked exactly like the other one but with red eyes instead of gold. The golden eyed beauty had characteristics that made him look androgynous, he didn't look like either a man nor a woman and looked more like both genders maxed out in appearance and merged together to form the ultimate appearance.

The golden eyed man had simpe beach shorts and a beach shirt on while the red eyed beauty had a white blouse and a swimsuit hidden underneath it.
The golden eyed man was called Rimuru and the red eyed beauty was called Ciel.

Ciel who was beside Rimuru, didn't know the appeal of watching the ocean late at night, she had no such taste for aesthetics after all.

Rimuru suddenly started speaking "Ciel, do you remember when we fought both Velgrynd and Veldora?" Ciel immediately answered "Indeed, it's a fight I'll always remember." Rimuru chuckled and said "You remember everything, not just that, but after evolving into a manas, you proclaimed yourself as my first wife, yet despite that, you have not yet done anything a wife should be doing."
Ciel was a little shocked and red dusted her cheeks "Of course master, but you've never given your opinion on that." Rimuru smiled and stood up "Well, I'm going to answer that right now, so let's go for a walk." Ciel nodded her head and accepted Rimuru's hand as she pulled herself upright.

Walking down the horizon were both Rimuru and Ciel who were laughing and jogging from time to time, until they eventually stumbled upon a bar on the beach, the bar was on a wooden deck and held a couple tables and chairs.

Rimuru guided Ciel to her chair and pushed it backwards so Ciel could sit down, the next minutes, a lot of people appeared out of nowhere and started serving drinks and food. Ciel didn't know what was going on, but still continued to stuff her face full of food, Rimuru chuckled under his breath as he looked at Ciel who currently looked like a hamster.

After a couple minutes, all the food and drinks were gone and the sun started setting. A brilliant orange glow cascaded over the water and reflected back into the sky creating a pinkish hue that covered some of the clouds, Rimuru then pushed his own chair back and walked over to Ciel, Rimuru then kneeled beside Ciel and opened a ringcase for her "Ciel, will you officially marry me?" Ciel burst out in tears of joy as she jumped onto Rimuru and hugged him tightly. "Yes, of course I'm willing." Rimuru had the biggest smile on his face to ever grace the earth.

That same night, Rimuru carried Ciel back to their house and laid her down on the couch.
Their house was a wooden shack that was located on a private island that belonged to Rimuru, no one else could either enter or even peek inside of it.
Chloe tried and was blocked, Milim and even Guy as well as the other true dragons all did their best to blast the barrier, yet each one was repelled and pushed all the way back to the continent of Tensura.

Rimuru was the one who summoned those humans and immediately dispelled them after serving the food, Rimuru didn't bother with actually writing down the official wedding and instead held it himself.

After a month, Ciel and Rimuru kissed on the platform where their marriage was officially recognized and officialized. Rimuru smiled as he looked into Ciel's eyes, her red eyes brimming with so much happiness that it was practically emitting  out of her in the form of a golden glow.

That same night, Rimuru entered their bedroom and started changing his clothes. Ciel who was already in bed, stared on as Rimuru was changing, but unlike the last couple decades, Rimuru this time didn't put on any pajamas and instead stopped when he was at his boxers. His manhood raising his boxers like pitching a tent, Ciel flushed a deep red, but didn't want to look away.
"Like what you see?" Ciel nodded and kept staring, Rimuru chuckled and laughed out loud "You think you would respond so honestly, guess I'm in the right mood for this."

Tensura x Kumo desu ga, nani ka. Crossover.{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now