The next step.

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The next morning was a calm one, this day wasn't special like a festival day or something, but it was a day where Rimuru would finally go a step further.

During the morning there was a red haze lingering around the horizon and a sharp blinding light shooting straight into Rimuru's eyes, she opened her eyes and closed the curtains in an instant.
She wanted to fall asleep again, but the clock showed 7:12 in the morning, Rimuru then went to the kitchen and prepared a cup of coffee to start the day.(unnecessary, but adds some detail)

After having prepared the table she called down Shiraori for breakfast and turned on the the news.
Rimuru didn't pay to much attention to the news, but Shiraori was, even though she was half-asleep, she was still listening in on everything that was being said.
One of the statements made her eyebrows raise a bit higher.

'Yesterday the government also confirmed that there was a hacker that was looking through the files of several important politicians, they said that they don't know what the hacker is looking for, but to just be careful and make sure to keep your documents and files under heavy security.'

After hearing this Shiraori stared at Rimuru and gave a casual glance, Rimuru looked a little sheepish at being found out, but just returned the glance and gave an assured smile.
Shiraori blushed slightly and just gave a small smile in return.

After breakfast. Shiraori returned to the guild to get another quest or five and Rimuru was preparing for the biggest mission yet.
What Rimuru was planning was to infiltrate the obelisk.
The obelisk was mentioned to be a heaven-piercing tower that held information about everything and everyone inside of the galactic empire.
Rimuru wanted to obtain it all without relying on Ciel or her omniscience.
So after having prepared everything, Rimuru set off  towards the tower.

After 2 hours.
Rimuru finally arrived at the obelisk and looked it up and down using her magic eyes. She noticed the structure had about 200 floors underground and 1500 floors above ground.
The exterior walls were coated in a thick black metal that could easily resist world destroying attacks. The top of the tower was in a point shape and at the top was a tiny figure covered in black clothes with piercing golden eyes.
Rimuru who was on top of the tower wanted to use her magic and drill a hole into the tip, she used her finger and slowly rotated her magic into drill.

She then used that drill and stabbed down, this caused a small explosion that wasn't noticed due to the sheer height of the building.
Rimuru was happy that noone noticed and jumped into the hole, she dropped about 30 meters before hitting the floor, this floor was nearly empty and only had a radar system. After carefully analyzing the system she used her magic eyes and saw massive rocket nearly 200 meters big hidden on the floors below, this rocket had symbols that when translated spelled out the word cataclysm on its side.
This rocket according the the calculations and blueprints was capable of destroying an entire universe just by detonating, it wasn't that strong compared to the top strength of some of the adventurers, but it wasn't meant for range, it was meant for contact, meaning that if it exploded, everything in a mile radius would be erased on the molecular level. Naturally this weapon was designed for Rimuru and Shiraori nearly 10000 years ago, but was never used because of the fake heads.
Rimuru knew she could resist it if she wanted to, but she didn't want to have an entire universe be destroyed simply to kill her, so she just decided to erase the bomb first chance she had and that was now.

After inspecting another 300 floors she found nearly nothing, there were a few files with important information, but there was nothing about the current government.
Naturally she had already erased the bomb, but she created a decoy so the government wouldn't notice anything off.

Another 200 floors later and there was still nothing of importance. There was 500 floors full of information about this empire and it's history, but nothing of the government.

Another 500 floors proved useless as nothing of importance came up, there wasn't even anything in accordance to missions, just 1000 floors of nothing useful.
But seeing the remaining 700 floors, Rimuru felt that there should be at least something, but she didn't want to go all the way to the bottom as there might be something on the other floors of importance.

So she went down floor by floor inspecting every corner, box and data that she found.
But there was nothing, after 2 hours and 1590 floors, there was absolutely nothing of importance, she wanted to give up, but it was only 110 floors left, on the way down she felt a distinct aura that wasn't native to this dimension.

After going to the absolute bottom of the facility there was still nothing, but the distinct aura was stronger than ever, Rimuru immediately approached the aura and asked "Who are you?"
A deep grumbling sound came out of the black box followed by a growl, It wasn't that it couldn't speak normally, but the communication was different, Rimuru could completely understand the creature And said "So you're drake and you were captured by the government and have been stuck here for 2 millennia now?" A deep growl emantes from the box and Rimuru nodded "Very well, in 2 weeks I'll set you free and I'll allow you to rampage around the empire, but first, let's get rid of the box shall we?"
As she said this she snapped her fingers and the black box crumbled into dust.
The creature was revealed and it had two heads a furry torso and scaled legs as well as 6 tails swinging behind it, this creature was a dimensional creature, these are creatures born in the dimensional gap, like veldanava just weaker.

This creature gave low growl and bowed it's 2 snake heads, "You don't have to thank me, I'm doing this because I have some plans that you could help me with, but first, do you know anything about where the government keeps their files?" Rimuru asked.
The creature growled in response and flicked it's heads to the left.
Rimuru understood it and said "Thank you, I'll come pick you up in 2 weeks, so rest up and regain your former power."
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

Tensura x Kumo desu ga, nani ka. Crossover.{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now