Side Story 1 : Rimuru visits Tbate (14)

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(1 month later)

Rimuru pov:

"Sensei, I've only made a little bit of progression for both cores, why is it so slow?" Arthur whined, while Tessia is still refining her core in the background.
"Your progress isn't slow at all, it's even faster than some Asuras." "But it went much faster before now?" "Yes, that was because of opportunities, now you just have to focus on getting stronger.
Tessia is dark-yellow with cracks while your initial-silver with forming cracks."
Arthur was a bit disappointed by learning the speed of growth from this day on. " Can't you do something about it." Arthur asked, I was a little annoyed, but that faded when I noticed the determination was for protecting his loved ones.
"I can indeed do something, but that would require completing your biology and blocking you from entering the relictombs."
"Are the relictombs really that important?"
"Yes, without it, you would not be strong enough for the upcoming events."
"Why, can't you teach me how to get stronger and what upcoming events?" Arthur asked again.
"I can only explain the concept itself, the remaining can only be done by you and the relictombs are the perfect place for you to grow exponentially. The upcoming events will take a while before they start."
He looked at me with curiosity before I started to explain it.
"We've already had several classes for comprehension, but this time I'm gonna explain the 4 edicts and what they encompass, what you do with the information is up to you:
Space: it's something that exist all around us yet can be viewed like a flat surface, it's like taking a piece of paper, you can fold it, you can pierce a hole in it to create portals and you can even let space carry you to a different location as well, there is much more but that is for you to find out yourself.
Time: Is a concept that encompasses progression, time only moves forward, if it goes backwards than it's you that goes back in time and not time that goes backwards. Time can do a lot, with enough understanding and power, one can even stop or slow down time around them.
Life: I can't explain it to well, but it exists everywhere, the trees, plants, grass, even wind and the earth itself contain life, just like every living thing, life is the branch that has control over life and death as well as healing and destruction.
Fate: You can think of it like the universe itself, everything around us is determined by fate, if someone dies then it's because of fate, if someone is resurrected than that's because of fate, everything and anything is all according to what fate dictates, every action and event are all dictated by fate. It's the one force you can't stand up to, only change it to your advantage."
Arthur had steam coming out of his ears and probably a headache to join it as well.
Tessia was still focusing on refining her core, while Arthur seems to get better every second, after a few minutes he wakes up and asks me "Is that really the way to gain control over aether, can I use that knowledge for that?"
"No, it's knowledge that broadens your mind, a broad mind is needed in order to master aether.
Aether isn't like mana after all, you can't expect to force aether like mana and get a stable result."
(4Years later)

Arthur pov:

It's the last year that I am to stay here and I already don't wanna leave anymore, these past few years were the most exciting years I've ever experienced.
I've reached solid-silver with cracks as well as a violet aether core, meanwhile Tess broke through into Solid-silver stage as well.
The reason for her quick breakthrough speed is because I also have to focus on my aether core.
I'm now 7 years old, but I look like I'm 14, while Tess is 8 and looks 14 as well, the seal Rimuru gave us does make it a lot easier to hide this form of ours though.
My scales have now spread to cover my entire lower half as well as my back, the horns have grown by 4 centimeters and I can feel bulges on my back from time to time, meanwhile Tess her scales have only covered her back and legs, no more than that, I saw that during our bath last week.
Tess her scales are a moonlight silver mixed with green accents, she has truly grown beautiful, the annoying part is our puberty, since we have grown up a lot quicker than others, our years of accumulating hormones are coursing through us at max speed. This indeed gives us desires that a 7 and 8 year old should not be getting.
Rimuru for defense places a seal on Tess her privates to prevent anything bad from happening due to losing control because of our hormones.

I have also awakened my beast will, but the egg Sylvia gave has not yet awakened, Rimuru says that it's because she's gaining power in their, also that because of the aether coursing around my core that she's unable to sense Sylvia's will and as such is incapable of waking up from the egg.
The beast will is still only at the first stage, this however is not strong enough to surpass my aether core and as such awaken Sylvie, once I learned of my aether core messing with the beast will, I reigned in my aether absorption and instead focused it all on my beast will.
Me and Tess are right now just enjoying a stroll through the forest behind the royal manor.
Rimuru in the few years she has been here has been making adjustments to this forest and improving the mana and aether quality at once.
"That lake is truly nostalgic isn't it?" She asked with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.
Calming my heart I said "Yeah, it truly is."
After a few minutes it became bright again, but this time due to the moon.
"The moon is beautiful tonight." I said with a thumping heart that only grew louder as the silence lasted. When I looked over at Tess, she was redder than a tomato with a tear running down her face, she jumped on me and kissed me, but by elven tradition I kneeled down and took out a bracelet with her elemental colors as well as my heart scale ingraved on the front of it. "Tessia Eralith, Will you marry me?" I asked and she nodded her head furiously before jumping on me and giving me more kisses than I would've ever needed in a lifetime, but I liked it.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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