Part 14

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Shiraori pov:

I just woke up and what are all these energys I'm feeling, even though they're all so weak, there shouldn't be this many energy signals to begin with.
Ill have to ask Rimuru and see if she knows anything about this, that way I can also ask how her energy levels have become so hard to sense, I used to be able to at least get a feel for her energy, but now I can't even feel a little bit of it, the only reason I know she is downstairs is because I can see 360 degrees around me, without that I wouldn't have known that she was here.


"Morning Rimuru, do you have any idea about the new sources of energy I can sense?"

"Good morning to you too and yes I do know why all these new energy's have appeared."


"That would be my fault, yesterday I tried meditating and I accidentally released a bit too much energy, so all that excess energy was absorbed by the planet and the humans gained the ability to use their spiritual energy."

"Is that also why I can't sense you anymore?"

"I think so yeah, yesterday I become much stronger than I was before, so it might look like my energy has disappeared to people under a certain level of power."

"And how strong does one have to be to sense you?"

"Very strong, so strong even that you should be capable of breathing a planet out of existence."

"And how strong am I really then, I know the numbers, but how powerful is that really?"

"If I'm right, you should be a little around complex multiversal."

"Is that strong?"

"Very, it's just that I'm that much stronger."

"Do you have a way to make me even stronger than I am now?"

"Yes, matter of fact I do."

"Really? Can you do it?"

"Yeah sure, after lunch I'll teach you how, but I first gotta visit an old place of mine, I'd like to check it out and see if it's still standing up till now."

"Very well, but you promised you'll teach me."

(3 hours later)

It's been a little while since Rimuru left the house and now I'm alone here, and what the hell happened to me? How was I able to talk so much with Rimuru, that has almost never happened before, the only time before was with Ariel and even then I had troubles speaking from time to time, but here with Rimuru I'm not having trouble talking at all, it's even quite easy to talk with her.
I wonder why. Also it seems Rimuru was a little awkward a few hours ago, she was constantly looking away from me, she never does that.
I mean did something happened last night, because I can't seem to remember to much, it's only vivid images, was I drunk or something?
Well if I can't remember I guess it wasn't that important.

Rimuru pov:

That went well, I didn't stutter even a single time,
I'm glad I sealed most of her memories from last night, I don't think it would be wise to let her remember the fact that she passed out before we did it. If it was me, I wouldn't wanna remember what happened either.
I have arrived at the place and it seems that my old home from my time as Satoru is no longer intact or should I say it's been renovated.
This place looks like it's the most important building in Japan or something, the place where I lived was okay, not shabby but not modern either and yet, that building turned into the most modern building I can think of.

I guess I'll ask around why this change happened.
"Hey, do you know what happened to the building before this one was placed here?"

"Oh, yes young lady, this building was placed here by a couple of people claiming that this place used to be where there 'God' lived." Kind old man said.

God? There used to be a god on this planet and right where I lived at that? How come I've never met them before? Could it be related to that source of energy I felt from Shiraori that wasn't actually hers? If so I should really ask her about this.

"Thank you old man."

"No problem, young one."

Ha, guess I do look young don't I?
Well since I reentered my old body and left the semi-immortal body I was born here with, it seems like my power keeps increasing at an unnaturally fast rate, but no matter what, my body won't age beyond 23 years old, in other words my prime, I will forever remain 23 years old.
I guess it's also time I should head back home, its almost time for lunch and Shiraori's promised training, meanwhile I could ask her about the God she is affiliated with, she doesn't seem like someone I would get along with.
Let's leave that for when I'm back home.
Shiraori pov:

It seems Rimuru is home, well it's 11:56 so I guess it's about time for lunch, I wonder what he will make this time.
What he made this morning was delicious unlike anything I've eaten before, either that is because of Rimuru or it's because 'Egg Benedict' is just that delicious.

"Hello Rimuru, I see you're back, so, how was your trip?"

"It was nice and the place I went to looks completely different from what I remember."

"Is that so? So what did it look like?"

"If you look out the window, it's that giant building right there,"

"Wait, that building, isn't that the one who those suspicious people say it's the place their god used to live?"

"I don't know about suspicious, but it's the you're talking about yes, do you know any of the by any chance?"

"I've heard of them from my kin D."

"Who is D and how are you two kin?"

"D is an 'evil god' and I'm her kin because she kinda left me no other choice."

"Can you tell me about her?"

"Yeah sure, I don't know to much either though."

Hope you enjoyed it.
Also the next chapter will be a long one,
Hope you don't mind waiting a little bit.

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