The escape

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Rimuru's aura was shaking the entire dimensional chasm, except tempest, everything else.was affected badly. Rimuru's subordinates didn't get affected either because of their blessing from Rimuru.

Rimuru sucked in a deep breth and her aura returned back to normal, the dimensional chasm was slowly going back to how it used to be.

After 10 minutes, Rimuru had fully calmed down and could start rationally thinking about the events and the details involved.

Rimuru had appeared in the main branch and used her abilities to instantly scan the soul's of everyone and elimate the bad ones.
Rimuru then looked back and shouted "Everyone, return to tempest, we're going back!"
Everyone that was outside, immediately returned back to the city.
Rimuru the used her energy and appeared near where the portal was supposed to be, she then saw the demon lord's and the area where portal was supposed to be.
Rimuru had taken precautions and thus was able to link it and tear open the gate once again.

While yuuki was indeed stronger than before, he was nowhere near Rimuru yet.
Rimuru had torn open the gate again and pushed tempest through, in an instant Rimuru noticed the changes. The sky was a purple shade and the land was covered in burns and craters.
Rimuru searched for the true dragons and found that they were all in one spot.

Rimuru appeared besides the true dragons and noticed that the ice continent is the only one still intact. Rimuru saw the dark looks on their faces and asked "What happened here?" Veldore brightened up a little, but Velgrynd was absolutely pissed, she held it in though.
Velzard then came forward and said "Right after the gate to the Chasm was closed, both Yuuki and another figure appeared out of nowhere, he then said something about making sure that there's no one truly precious amongst the people here and the started killing everyone.
Their attacks are the cause of the barren landscapes you see everywhere you go.
The ice continent was spared because the last few of your precious people are still here."
Rimuru nodded and said "It wouldn't be a big deal to bring back everything, but that wouldn't solve the main cause of the problem."

Rimuru first floated up and secured tempest, she then lifted her hand and an ethereal glow covered the skies.
Soon after, the lands started gaining color and the couple of remain ruins were going back to normal, the people that were dead were brought back to life and everyone alive had no idea what truly happened, except for tempest and the dragon sibling.

Hinata jumped off tempest and blitzed towards the western church to see how it's doing, Luminous followed closely behind, and the rest didn't waste any time going back either.

After 2 days of trying to regain order, Rimuru had finished it all, her papers were all finished and the patrons could once again do them all themselves, and the foreign territories who didn't have an alliance with Tempest had done their best to get it now.

Rimuru who was finished with work disappeared into space and covered the world with a barrier, this barrier stops people from entering and notifies her if someone breaks through it.

Rimuru then thought of all the precious people that were adventuring out in space. The first that came to mind was Chloe, after all, she knew that Shiraori wouldn't be able to get hurt by them no matter what. So Rimuru spread out her senses and straight up broke through the dimensional walls to search for her signature.
She instantly appeared besides Chloe and noticed her flying towards a certain planet, Rimuru read her kind and figured out what she wanted to do.
Rimuru who had no time to waste grabbed her hand, pulled her in a hug and used her powers to complete Chloe's mission, she also left behind a clone that Chloe could freely manipulate.
Rimuru than shattered the dimensional walls again and went back to Shiraori.

When she arrived, it was the same as before, not a planet out of place and not a dimensional gate out of place.
Rimuru appeared inside her house with Chloe in her arms and set her down on the couch.
Since it was late at night currently, Shiro was still sleeping.

Rimuru walked into the bathroom and slowly woke up Shiro, Shiro jumped into her arms and nestled her head into Rimuru's shoulders with her legs wrapped around her back.
Rimuru walked into the living room and set Shiraori down besides Chloe.
Shiro was about to ask why Chloe was here, but a single glance from Rimuru made her stop.

Rimuru then created a new chair and sat down on it, she leaned on her hands and said "I'll now explain everything. To begin with, why I brought you here Chloe.
Basically, when I was in the dimensional chasm getting rid of some troublesome creatures, I found a recording from Yuuki." Shiro knew it was something bad once she heard the tone in Rimuru's voice and the glare on Chloe's face.
She had heard the name Yuuki being mentioned once of twice, but never with this much hatred.
So Shiro finally asked "Who is this Yuuki?" Rimuru looked at her and then sighed "I wish I would've never had to tell you, but Yuuki is a manipulative piece of shit, even feldway was better though I hate him to. But basically, Yuuki was once a friend who had then betrayed me and wanted to destroy the world. His goal was evil, but his way of going about it and the process leading to it was even worse."
Shiro sort of understood what was going and asked "Why is it so bad that there's a recording of him?"
"I was getting to that. So before coming here, Yuuki was being annoying inside of my imaginary space and thus I drectly sealed him in the eternal void of destruction, it's a void where you can't leave without having both massive amounts of energy and an anchor leading out of there, but now that he's escaped, it means that he became powerful enough to leave that place, and his helper isn't much weaker than him at all."
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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