Emergency quest

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The sun was peeking through the blinds and the light shone brightly onto the eyes of the unfortunate Rimuru.
Rimuru who had a rude awakening was a little irritated and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the two of them.
Meanwhile, Shiraori was still peacefully sleeping while being completely wrapped in blankets,
The sun who had formerly woken up Rimuru, had now challenged Shiraori, Shiraori was obviously not amused and muttered "Maybe I should destroy the sun." The bright light immediately disappeared and moved on to the rest of the room.

Shiraori woke up 5 minutes later with a big stretch and a yawn escaped her lips as she fully exposed her bare body to the rest of the room, Rimuru who had walked past the door was enamored by her figure, but quickly moved on and called "Shiraori, breakfast is ready!"
Shiraori hurriedly put on her white-pink hoodie/dress and went downstairs where she saw Rimuru sitting at the the table with a wide assortment of charcuterie.

It seems today was random, there was bread, butter, ham, cheese and many other types of charcuterie.

During the entire meal, none of them spoke even a word, but they didn't mind, they were already used to it and it was now just a comfortable silence.
This silence was obviously the result of spending 10000 years together and now having nothing to talk about anymore.

When breakfast was finished, Shiraori took her plate and used her magic to move the charcuterie back to their designated location.
'We could really use a butler for menial tasks like this, it's unfortunate that we both like being naked at home though, that'll be quite awkward.' thought Shiraori before remembering.
"Hey Rimuru, what happened to Diablo?"
Rimuru was surprised by the sudden question before asking Ciel.
<Master, after your first visit to the other world, I unsealed Diablo and tampered with the teleportation circle so that Diablo will be sent to Tempest instead of earth.>
Rimuru nodded before saying
"Diablo is in Tempest at the moment, I sent him back after our first otherworldly visit."
Shiraori looked in understanding before asking
"What was so different about him though, you've known him nearly your entire life and mentioned he was one of your subordinates, but what was so special about him?"
Rimuru thought about it before answering
"Diablo in my world was a primordial demon, in other words, a demon who had been around since the dawn of creation and he became my right-hand secretary, he is also the one next in line for when I stopped ruling Tempest."
Shiraori nodded and didn't ask anymore since most of her questions were already answered.

After 2 hours of doing nearly nothing, both Shiraori and Rimuru got a message on their guild card calling for an emergency.
Rimuru immediately prepared back-up clothes and a dull sword, while Shiraori only coated her scythe in webs in order to make it duller.
They then both rushed towards the guild hall where nearly 1400 adventures were present.

Out of the back came a loud sound that pulled everyone's attention before announcing itself as the guild master.
"Hello everyone, I'm sure you're wondering why you've been called here and to that i say an emergency, an emergency on a level not seen before around here, this is also why I've only called those from C-rank or above.
The emergency is a beast horde and a big one at that. The scouts have reported about 25000 beast, most of these are C- rank, but near the back they've spotted a couple above B-rank, some even above A-rank."
Everyone present fell silent until they heard
"Aren't we gonna evacuate the civilians?" The guild master smiled before answering "Yes, that's what the F to D-ranks are doing, I sent them a message to evacuate everyone possible."
Some of the adventurers were reliefed that their families wouldn't suffer from the beast horde, this also increased the morale of all the adventurers present.

The adventurers were eventually all split up into different groups: Offense, defense, scouting, trapping, healing and even assault.
The offensive team was made out of people that were capable of taking multiple beast at once.
The defensive team was to create shields for the offensive team.
The scouts are a team that gather info.
The trapping team makes the traps in order to reduce the amount of beasts the offensive team has to deal with.
The healers consist of a team made up by every mage that has even the tiniest clue about healing.
And finally the assault team consist of the strongest of each category and are supposed to take of the boss monsters and any other monsters that might hold a high position in this horde.

Rimuru and Shiraori were put near the healers camp as guards in order to make sure of the safety of the healers.

The mages at the beginning had set up a massive formation that would burn everything in it, the formation covered the entire wasteland, this also drained all the mages, but they quickly recovered due to the help from the mana potions.

The assault team had went ahead and was currently facing their first boss-monster.
This monster had a giant muscular body frame that easily towered over the trees and a head that resembles that of an eagle, it's arms had feathers leaning the sides.
The attacker received a buff and cut off the giant monsters left arm, the monster having now noticed the team had used wind magic in order to send a wind blast at them, when it hit, everyone was sent back a couple meters.
The attacker and defender were still standing.
The trapper was setting up traps and the healer was busy healing everyone, the attacker once again launched into the battle but was soundly sent flying by the monsters right arm, the attacker quickly slashed it's sword towards the right arm and cut it off, the eagle-like humanoid was glaring at them and used {Hawk eyes} in order to sent them flying.
The healer quickly used fire magic and launched it at it's beak, the fire entered it's beak and burned him from the inside out, which killed the monster.

The assault team kept moving, meanwhile the offensive team was killing the monsters that got past the giant formation, the defensive team has created barriers and buffed the attackers, the trapping team were killing hundreds with their traps and the scouts informed everyone about the beasts weaknesses and numbers, the healers were healing the injured that luckily only counted 20 people, the casualties were still numbered at zero.

Shiraori and Rimuru have done nothing but stand at the entrance, even those with ill-intentions were quickly disposed of and left them with nothing to do, Shiraori had resorted to firing random magic blasts and Rimuru was glancing at every direction and sending out a wave of killer intent that froze the beasts that were quickly decreasing in numbers.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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