Galactic Empire

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"Galactic empire?" Asked Rimuru.

"Yes, the galactic empire is a city located within this chiliocosm." Answered the goon.

"What is a Chiliocosm?"

"A chiliocosm is a collection of multiple planets that are very close to eachother and can be reached without technology, sort of like a galaxy, but the galactic empire is more of a plain than a sphere, it is also located deep inside of the abyss.
The abyss is a space within a different realm that is connected to this dimension, this planet has ties to that different realm and as such is part of this chiliocosm." The goon explained

Rimuru look in wonder as she used her skills to see into the distance, this could easily allow her to see the entire dimension, but that would mean that the magic output would corrupt world cores.
Rimuru has seen the nearby multiverses and didn't find any trace of this 'galactic empire'
She then looked at the goon again.

The goon quickly said "The galactic empire is hidden by a magic array that covers the abyss, this is meant to keep people out of the abyss, it is also in order to hide from any enemies that hold I'll intentions against the city."

Rimuru pondered over his words and asked
"Can you guide me back to the empire?"

"I cannot, in order to return, one needs to have their license scanned and you two don't have a license, copying it is also impossible as it holds the magic signature of the emperor." The goon said.

Rimuru scanned his body and found the license, after letting Ciel do her job, two licenses appeared in Rimuru's hands and handed one to Shiraori.
The goon looked at Rimuru and disbelief before vaporizing into dust.

Shiraori looked at Rimuru and asked "Didn't we need him to guide us to the galactic empire?"

"No, I decided to take the easy route and scan his memories, in other words, I know everything I need to know about the galactic empire's location."
Rimuru explained before turning towards the giant blue star that was the size of a mere ballpoint in their eyes.
Shiraori followed Rimuru's gaze and noticed the swirling space near the star, Rimuru quickly took off and Shiraori followed.

After 27 seconds they arrived in front of the swirling space and noticed that it was bigger from nearby, as the swirling space was bigger than Jupiter.
Rimuru composed herself and took Shiraori's hand before entering the swirling space, inside was a giant abyss.

After another 4 hours of flying, they finally noticed a tiny dot of light that seemed to be getting bigger and bigger until it was large enough to consider it a galaxy, this was way too big to be a planet after all, but all of this was a city.

The countless factories that covered the ground, the giant skyscrapers and the other facilities spread all around the city giving it a vibe of modern yet medieval civilization, they had technology that surpassed that of humans and forests and houses that looked like they cam straight out of a medieval time.

Rimuru immediately took a liking to the medieval civilizations while Shiraori looked at the modern technology with stars in her eyes.

As soon as they were about to enter the giant bubble that covered the galactic empire, two guard flew towards them and asked for ID.
Rimuru and Shiraori handed over their licenses and were allowed to enter.

They quickly looked for a home to live in while staying in the galactic empire.
Shiraori liked the house that she lived in with Rimuru before, but this time she wanted to choose.
Rimuru quickly agreed and followed Shiraori into the depths of the technological city.

Shiraori noticed a giant building standing at the edge of the skyscraper city.
She quickly went towards it and entered the building with Rimuru, Rimuru went up to the front desk and asked.
"Is there a floor that I can hire or buy in this building?"

The person behind the desk looked up and said
"Yes, there are floor 4, 9, 11, 12, 13.
Rooms are 402, 931, 1107, 1207, 1324.
They can be hired of bought.
Hire price is 1200 credits a month and
Buy price is 412000 credits."

Rimuru took out the money that she had taken from the mercenaries and checked her balance, she had
51300850 credits to work with.
She quickly swiped the card over the machine and bought the room number 1324.

Shiraori disappeared up the stairs and quickly arrived at the room while Rimuru simply took the elevator.

After Rimuru arrived, she swiped the access key and pushed open the door revealing a beautiful sight.

After Rimuru arrived, she swiped the access key and pushed open the door revealing a beautiful sight

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The first floor consisted of the living room, dining room, kitchen and a bathroom.
The second floor had the bedroom, second bathroom, library corner, and a launge, there was also a game corner with mini-soccar, video games, pool table, darts and more.

Shiraori quickly ran to the couch and sat down, she then turned on the TV and checked the channels, the first channel was a news channel that went on about the happenings in the galactic empire.

Rimuru meanwhile went upstairs and put the sheets on the bed, dusted off the furniture, changed into comfortable cloths.

She then opened the blinds and noticed that the bubble in the sky changed color depending on the time, the weather was basically the same all year round, the rain would come on a Monday and Friday while the remaining days were sunny.

There were also different facilities that earth didn't have, like a mercenary center, a space force that was specifically for fighting the monsters of the abyss.

There were no cases of religion and there was only the emperor, the sole ruler of the entire galactic empire. The civilians of this world looked up to the emperor.

The average lifespan was about 500 years and the most important people were the mercenaries, as long as one became a mercenary, their family would no longer need to worry about food.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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