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After everything in the galactic empire was finished, Rimuru and Shiraoiri went back to their home onkumo planet, first they needed to find out where exactly they are so they can then go home.
Usually this wouldn't be a problem, bu tconsidering how the surroundings looked, this was going to be a hassle.

Rimuru spread her senses to the limit and even used every trick she knew in order to find their whereabouts, Shiraori felt that something was wrong, but she didn't know what.
Rimuru had finally pinpointed their exact location and also sensed their magic signature that they left behind before leaving.
Rimuru was a bit weirded out by the fact that the magic signature that should've been able to hold on for longer than a couple centuries was actually so weak right now, it was like it was.being absorbed by something or someone.
Rimuru immediately grabbed Shiraori and flew at full speed towards the kumo planet.

After 3 seconds they arrived around 12 megameters (1 megameter = 1000 km = 1000000 meters.)
When Rimuru stopped, they both noticed the change immediately, they were on guard for a bit, before Ariel jumped on them and kept them in a headlock, Rimuru and Shiraori didn't resist, but as puzzles as they were, now they were just confused.
"You said you would be gone for a little over a month, so where were you two for the past 700 years?" Rimuru was flabbergasted and Shiraori immediately looked like she understood.
"Rimuru didn't you feel anything different when we were in that void where the galactic empire was located?" Rimuru looked questioningly and snapped her finger "Ahh, so it was a time misplacement, I guess that expalians why our energy signatures were acting so weird."
Shiroari looked and asked "How so?"
Rimuru explained "When we left, I made sure to leave behind our magic signature in our house, it should have been able to hold on for a couple centuries, but when I scanned the dimension to find this planet, our signature was being sucked dry at an insane speed and since we stayed there for 36 days (pretend they did) that means that 1 day in the empire is 7100 days out here." Ariel understood the basic ongoings and dragged the both of them to their house before sitting them down on the couch and forcing Rimuru and Shiraoiri to snap out of their thinking mode.

(From here on is basically just fillers, like the tiny break between two arcs, that type.
You can just skip Thai if you want as this holds no real importance to the story itself.)

Ariel then made some tea moving around like this had been her house for the past 100 years, Rimuru easily caught sight of this and asked "Something is wrong isn't it?" Shiraori was confused and Ariel just let out a big sigh confirming Rimuru's thoughts.
Ariel than picked up the tea mugs and placed them in front of the two.
She noticed Rimuru's expectant gaze and said "Yeah, it's been one problem after another.
At first it was calm, but 50 years after you left, a large influx of stragglers suddenly appeared outside out planet asking for refugee.
That was solved within the year, but it just became worse and worse.
100 years after you left there was a massive battle between two strong people and our galaxy was nearly destroyed, it took those two nearly 3 years to repair all the damage down to the galaxy and our homes.
After 500 years a group of gods from 'Earth' arrived and laid claim to this planet saying it's the best suited for becoming their home. These gods weren't strong at all, they probably couldn't destroy planets even if they went all out, but they were a tricky bunch, they called themselves Olympians."
Before Ariel could continue, Rimuru's ears perked and asked "You mean like zues and poseiden and the like?" Ariel looked at Rimuru and said "Exactly, but how do you know them?" Rimuru just waved her hand and said "We don't know them, but they had an entire book section dedicated to Greek mythology and the gods of their pantheons."
Ariel nodded and continued "Yeah, well 10 years after I helped them settle in, another group of gods arrived, and this continued for an extra couple times, there are currently like 2000 gods living on this planet and they are all weaker than our stronger than average.
The problem with them is that they work with domains, so beating them is pretty tricky."
Rimuru started rubbing her head and mentioned "We should probably move to a different planet then?" Ariel's eyes widened and she shouted "Absolutely not!!! If I have to deal with them, then so will you."
Rimuru and Shiraori recoiled in shock and just agreed on sharing their suffering.

After the entire explanation on what was going on for the past 700 years, Rimuru and Shiraori settled down on the couch and just sat there in silence processing everything they just heard and sipped from their tea. Rimuru asked "This tea is really delicious, where did you get it?" Ariel looked smug and boasted "I made it myself, the herbs are in the garden and my skills made the tea."
"Wait, why are they in our garden?" Shiraori interrupted, Ariel averted her eyes and started sweating a little. Shiroari looked suspicious and asked "Have you been living in our house, while we were gone?" Ariel just explained "Yeah, this is the only place where I can actually get some good rest, you know?" Rimuru smiled and Shiraori pitied her status as ruler of a planet.

Shiraori the just said "Well then, let's expand the house since I'm not letting Rimuru sleep in the bed you slept in. Who knows what type of things you did on it." Ariel blushed and yelled "I'm to young for that." Shiraori looked appalled and said "You're over 11000 years old, you're more than old enough for it, you even look 19 currently, nothing is stopping you." Ariel just pouted and sat down on the couch.
Rimuru just ignored their antics and expanded the house a little to be able to fit more than 3 people, who knows if they would get guests.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

Tensura x Kumo desu ga, nani ka. Crossover.{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now