Emergency quest (3)

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The former minotaur and now bull charged straight into the adventurers meeting, most adventurers were scared and staring on in shock at the giant bull towering over everyone.

The stronger ones were trying to distract the bull by sending a barrage of fireballs at the bull, the fireballs proved ineffective as they bounced of the bull's skin, the bull let out a loud roar that froze everyone in place, even the A-ranks were sweating bullets and having to nearly replace their pants from fear.

The bull remained stationary, the adventurers had assumed it was because of a cool down from the roar, but that wasn't the case, the bull didn't move just so he could toy with them a little longer, some of the adventurers realized this and warmed everyone to keep their distance and back away slowly.

Some of the adventurers didn't take the warning seriously and brazenly attacked the bull, swords clashed with it's skin before breaking into pieces and spells dissipated before it could even touch it's fur, some assumed it was because the people were bad at using magic, but it was because of magic layer around the bull that negated nearly all magic.

Nearly every adventurer dropped their weapons and just ran, the bull noticed this, but didn't react, it just stood there waiting for something.

After about half a minute of nothing, the bull suddenly stomped it's foot down and created a minor earthquake that tore through the entire battlefield, the few that were almost out of the battlefield had it the worse as they were dragged into small crevices, the crevices were spread out to the point where one couldn't exit the forest unless you could use magic, many of the adventurers couldn't use magic suitable for this and as such had to wait in line, a couple of the smart ones were standing guard around the bull in order to make sure the rest could escape safely, this continued until only 30 adventurers were left.

The bull had a small twinkle in it's eyes as he rushed forward and slammed into one of the bridges, the large shockwave sent all the adventurers flying as the bridge exploded into a million pieces, the remaining bridges didn't have any support and simply collapsed.

The adventurers were trapped in a giant circle with a bull that was out to harm them, one of the mages tried to recreate a bridge, but if failed as the mage was sent flying into the crevice.
The others looked on and we're trying to determine a weak point.

Back at the guilds branch, all the adventurers streamed in, complaining about incorrect information and a serious threat that might as well be capable of destroying the entire city.
The receptionist were very busy filling out all the paperwork and asking for help from other branches, even requesting for an Ss or SSS-rank adventurer to help.

It was at this moment that Rimuru and Shiraori walked in with a very injured adventurer, some people recognized him as the tank of the assault team. The person who was in charge of offense rushed over and asked "What happened?!".
Rimuru looked over and handed the tank to the offense and said "He was hit by the bull at full strength, he'll be fine though, he just needs to rest and needs his ribs restored.".
The offense bowed and thanked them for rescuing his friend and teammate.

Rimuru having arrived, sent a message to the bull to finish it quickly.

The bull had received the message and charged into the group of adventurers, some of them were hit into the crevice and the others managed to dodge the attack.

The remaining 24 adventurers banded together and quickly made a plan. The plan was to distract the bull and have every mage work together to create a powerful spell that would be capable of killing the bull. The bull had caught onto their plan, but decided to go along with the plan in order to have some fun, mostly because the adventurers in tensura were either to strong or too weak, which means he's either killed in one hit or finishes the fight in one hit.

The adventurers split up with the 7 swordsman and swordswoman continuously taunting the bull and occasionally launching a strike at the bull, most of the sword were already starting to chip and the mages 17 had prepared a massive ball of energy that was sparkling with electricity. (Imagine the lightning ball that enel made in sky island but just on a much smaller scale.)
The bull took notice of the massive amount of energy, but instead of attacking in order to break the spell, he just braced himself and clad his skin in magic.
The ball was sent hurling at the bull that had braced himself, the lightning ball exploded into a blue light that releases several loud bangs like thunder.

After a full minute had passed, the blue light faded revealing a slightly scorched bull standing within a small crater, the mages were shocked and quickly worked together to form a bridge, only for the magic to fail and instead explode in their faces.

The group of adventurers were beginning to lose hope, because their attacks didn't work, they weren't allowed to build a bridge and they also weren't capable of jumped over the 30 meter wide crevice.

The bull had once again decided to charge in only to get sliced across the neck by a heavily reinforced steel sword, the bull's eyes widened at the newcomer who had black hair and a scar running over his eyes, his clothes were more like armor with mostly leather and some plates of steel covering the more important parts, his name was Steve.

The bull backed off with blood dripping from his open neck, the blood was in fact less blood and More magic, Steve took notice of this and tightly gripped his sword.

The bull didn't want to go back to tensura because of death, so he transformed back into his minotaur form and quickly grabbed a large wide blade out of nothing, Steve was awed at the power before using the opportunity to launch forward and slice at the minotaur, the minotaur easily blocked the attack with his own blade and pushed Steve towards the edge of the field, Steve got up and shot towards the minotaur.
The minotaur noticed the movement and jumped 20 meters into the air before becoming stationary, Steve sensed the flying minotaur and launched a dagger at it, the minotaur didn't react as the little dagger bounced off it's skin and broke into pieces, these pieces landed on the other adventurers, blinding 4 of them with the other just receiving shallow cuts.

Steve who was also blind didn't realize the effects and instead kept focusing on the magic that he sensed from the minotaur, the minotaur appeared right in front of steve and swung down his blade, Steve had reacted in time and redirected the blade into the ground left of him and swung at the open chest oof the minotaur only for his blade to shatter upon contact and raining down on him at high speeds. Steve lost his left ear, his right hand was broken and his torso was riddled with holes from the many steel shards from his broken sword, he had also been paralyzed because of a single steel shards tearing a hole through his spine.

One of the healers in the group of adventurers quickly charged forward and started healing Steve, the minotaur respectfully ignored them and walked towards the other 23 adventurers, he swung his blade right in front of them, the ground broke upwards sending 13 flying and impaling the other 10.
The minotaur had enough fun and sent a message to Rimuru before fading.
The few who were still conscious looked on in shock before the remaing healers did their jobs.
The blind were healed and the impaled were carefully taken off the spikes and healed.
Steve who was in a worse condition than them had remained blind, but his other woudn were already healed, the only problem would be his weak spine.
Even though it was healed, it still takes time for it to be able to adjust, so he can't be too energetic or his spine will snap like a twig.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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