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Rimuru pov:

After that dream of the two beings, I immediately shot awake trying to figure out who they were, but even after minutes of thinking I didn't know who they were and how they were capable of seeing my dreams.

Let's first get ready and head downstairs to make some breakfast, it won't be much since we're in a different world and I kinda want to at least feel a bit of that adventurous atmosphere.

When I arrived downstairs I saw Shiraori looking at herself with a strange look in her eyes as well as two beautiful horns on her head.
The horns came from behind her ears and pointed forward towards the side of her eyes where they then curved downwards framing her cheeks.
She probably got those after becoming a goddess.
When one becomes a god, they're excess energy is converted into an extra limb or core or anything else, in this case it's horns.

"Rimuru, do you have any idea on how I got these horns?" She asked me with full on curiosity.

"Yeah, those horns are your manifestations of power." I simply replied.

"My what?"

"Your manifestations of power.
When you become a god or goddess in your case, you grew something on your body to represent your power and with some that could be cores or wings and in your case they're horns, beautiful white horns by the way."(just getting extra words in)

"If these horns are my manifestations, than what are yours?"

"Mine huh? I have multiple manifestations as well,.I have horns as well as wings, though that's about it."

"Can you show me please?" She asked me with a pure look of excitement and curiosity.
No pov:

Rimuru said sure and muttered something under his breath, few seconds later Rimuru is standing in place with now horns on the side of her head that went downwards under the ears pointed straight forward and then curved upwards from the chin to the nose, while her wings were a bright white with silver-blue spots in them and a lot of feathers on the framing with the leather still in full sight.
Shiraori stared with a slightly agape mouth and wide eyes at the horns and wings.

"They are beautiful." She muttered and Rimuru managed to pick it up with her enhanced hearing as she started to blush in embarrassment at the compliment she got.

Rimuru then remembered what she was here to do originally and went towards the kitchen while retracting her horns and wings.

"How did you do that?" Shiraori asked with a little bit of bewilderment in her voice.
Rimuru simply answered with "All you need to do is imagine your horns retracting into your skull and assimilate it with your magic reserves."
A minute later Shiraori was now visible without the horns which were.formerly on her head.

Rimuru then took a look in the fridge and realized how little she took with her on this trip.
She still managed to whip up a little something that was very delicious which was proven by the moans Shiraori released while eating the food.

"Oh yeah, I'll have to go and get some extra food in the village nearby here, after all, there almost nothing left in the fridge." Rimuru said and Shiraori asked how long she would take on the little trip.
"I think about an hour give or take a few minutes."
Shiraori then nodded and went towards the couch where she sat down and started to observe the movements of the entire class.

Rimuru made her way to the village and took a bag with her that didn't look out of place in this medieval world. She walked throughout the entire village searching for every available shop in the village, at last she started walking down the main street of this village which was sided by many vendors behind their stands, some were selling fruit, others were selling vegetables and others meat. There are also the occasional decorations and clothes that could be seen lying down in the stands.
As she was walking through the village she saw a handsome man, the man was 6'2 and had long black hair dropping down to his waist with a white robe adorning his being, the only thing that could describe this man was handsome, but Rimuru wasn't fooled by his looks.
Rimuru looked around and found it weird that noone was staring at the man, but she soon realized that they didn't even notice his existence, the man then turned his head and made eye-contact with Rimuru, the man looked a little surprised but it instantly vanished as the man smiled and let out a pressure that distorted the space around him.
Rimuru being surprised let out her own aura, but it just couldn't compare to the mans power, she even used the strongest aura her current puppet could release and while being at least 1-b, it was nothing compared to the handsome man.
After a few seconds of clashing the man suddenly disappeared into thin air, there wasn't even a tiny trace of him left.

Rimuru recovered from her shock and continued her grocery shopping until her bag was full.
As she returned home Shiraori clicked a button on the tv Remote and asked "What happened? I felt two large energies clashing and one of them was yours, I'm even surprised the planet is still whole."
Rimuru also seemed to realize that noone was affected by the massive release of energy from both her and the man.
Rimuru than got a little restless and worried that the man she had encountered was an obstacle for the future. Ciel quickly replied

<The man has no connection with your future at all.>

>So the man won't bother me in the future?<

<Exactly, while I can't seem to find out anything about him, your future until a few years from now is completely clear and the reason I can't see beyond that is because you've grown to strong for the current you to interact with in any way or form.>

Rimuru then assured Shiraori that it was nothing important and that she shouldn't have to worry about it.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you in the next one.

If you didn't get the reference, it's about the light novel of 'Top tier providence: I secretly cultivated a thousand years'.

Tensura x Kumo desu ga, nani ka. Crossover.{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now