Ivaraj vs Shiraori concluded

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After dodging Ivaraj's punch, Shiro kicked out and hit him in the chin, Ivaraj stumbled back but began dodging the incoming barrage of attacks, Shiro had the upper hand, but Ivaraj was slowly gaining more power, Shiro had launched another punch and received a knee in her stomach, Shiro flew back a bit and revealed a barrier guarding her stomach, Shiro the gathered her magic and the void started warping, the energy that made up the void was twisting and spasming at every turn, Shiro launched her attack, it went straight through Ivaraj, He had no idea what just happened, but the attack didn't hit him at all.
Before he knew it, a sharp pain originated from his mind and he asked "Soul attack?" That explains it' he thought to himself, Ivaraj started dodging very thing instead of receiving it or blocking it.

Shiro had noticed the constant evasions of Ivaraj and quickly formulated a plan.
She flew back a couple metres and held her hand in a clap position, a huge amount of energy surfed out from her hands and a tiny bit of energy coated her entire being, Ivaraj was puzzled and coated his own body with magic like normal, Shiro then pulled her hands away and put them in front of her with her palms facing eachother, a tiny sphere started spinning around between her hands, Ivaraj watched on as the sphere was completed and Shiro put it in her mouth, Ivaraj didn't expect her speed and hurriedly held his hand behind him. He didn't expect Shiro to instead come closer to his lips amd right before touching, a massive beam was released from Shiro's mouth hitting Ivaraj straight in the face at point blank.
A huge explosion covered him and slowly faded to reveal a burned figure, the figure then quickly flinched and wires around him and snapped, he came out as good as new.

Ivaraj was completely surprised by her methods and felt a chilly sensation run down his spine from a killing intent far away.
Ivaraj looked at it to see an enraged Rimuru staring at him while blocking and countering all of Yuuki's attacks.

Shiro took notice of this and instantly appeared before Ivaraj and started hitting him with every punch and kick she could get on him, Ivaraj received the full brunt of the attacks, Ivaraj jumped back and avoided Shiro's final punch, Shiro watched on as every single scratch regenerated in an instant, Shiro sighed out loud and pulled a scythe out of her personal dimension.
Shiraori slowly watched Ivaraj as she got into an offensive stance, the next moment Ivaraj punched out and blocked the scythe with his bare hands, the scythe cut straight through his skin into his bones.
Ivaraj cut off his hand and jumped back, he regenerated his hand quickly and noticed that hdi hand wasn't fully regenerated, the place where Shiro bad struck was still visible and wasn't healing, Ivaraj checked it out and noticed that it was healing, but just incredible slowly. It would take 5, minutes for him to heal from a wound like this, so he tried to stall for time by only dodging and jumping away from the fight, after 3 minutes of running away, Ivaraj noticed that his wound had nearly healed, all that was left was the skin, so he stopped running away and asked "What is the ability of that scythe, to think it can actually wound me." Shiro smirked and said nothing at all. Ivaraj was angered and asked once more "What is the ability of that scythe?" Shiro didn't answer again and Ivaraj was stupid enough to jump in again, Shiro took full advantage of this and dragged her scythe across Ivaraj's ribs, he jumped away and started running away again, bu this time his woudn didn't heal at all, not even like his hand, this woudn was actually worsening and was growing bigger every second. Ivaraj cut off the left side from the shoulder to the hip, when it came back it started healing very slowly again, this wild take at least 30 minutes without going all out.

Ivaraj breathed out a deep sigh and and pulled a drawing off his chest, his energy was rising by the second, the entire void was shaking and the lower realms were unable to hold on much longer, Shiro noticed this and immediately countered by releasing her last seal and canceling out the effects of Ivaraj's aura, the energy clashed and the entire void kept shaking, the lower realms were safe though and the mysterious voice didn't interfere, Shiro felt she had done the right thing.
Ivaraj watched in as Shiro's power quickly overtook his and her scythe changing a little, the shape was the same, but the aura and color had changed a little.

Ivaraj looked on in awe and felt his vision being blinded by the light, Shiro appeared in front of him and spun around him in a second, Ivaraj ducked down and kicked upwards, the scythe was knocked upwards and Shiro brute forced it back downwards, Ivaraj was left with no choice but to go full dragon mode.

His body was spasming and his energy output levels were still rising, Shiro felt the void shift and the layers making up the countless dimensions twist and shift, the constant strain was destroying the entire void, Shiro didn't care about what was going on and dashed in, she swung her scythe a total of 1580 times, the dragon form of Ivaraj was cut up into a million pieces, they slowly stitched back together and he flew straight towards Yuuki, Yuuki's noticed this and cursed under his breath, Yuuki's eyes then widened and a small smirk grace his features, his eyes and bruised skin were practically glowing, he then bumped heads with Ivaraj and a bright light consumed them, Rimuru knew what was going on, but with her final seal still on, she had no way of seperating the two.

(Back to when the fight started.)
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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