Chapter 6: Showcase

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~ Ivar's POV~

It is Saturday, and our first week of being here in Forks is done. I have paid much of the town little attention, as my whole mind is wrapped around my Aria. We have grown to be friends during this week, and I look forward to our last class of the day where we can talk with each other. 

I loved getting to learn about her grandfather and that she has an ancestral background similar to me. It makes me smile every time I hear her call me Kjekken. I want to know more about her heritage, as her names are Greek, and she does have a light accent, but it sounds mostly English. 

I have secretly watched her twice now in the library as she eats and works, a habit I notice most other teen humans do not do. Emmett and Jasper both say she had a funny reason for it, something about being lazy, but I cannot wait until I hear it myself. I still love her voice so much; I would love to hear her words tell me anything.

"Ivar! Do you have plans today?" Alice pops into the doorway of my room as I am lost in thoughts of my little mate.

"No, I will likely go hunting later today. Why?" I ask the pixie.

"There's a martial arts studio putting on a showcase event today, and I thought you might be interested in going." She tells me excitedly, a knowing look on her petite face.

"While I am not necessarily opposed, why do you think I alone would be interested in this event?" I ask her skeptically. She does not usually try to get any of us to go to any mortal events like this, it seems an odd thing for her to even know about.

"I may or may not have had a vision about a beautiful red head who is going to be at the event today." She chirps at me with another knowing look.

"Ahh, now I see. That does make the event more interesting. When is it?" I ask her, now looking forward to 'running into' my fair mate.

"It starts in an hour. Maybe bring Emmett so I can steal Rosalie for the day to shop!" She says excitedly.

Emmett then appears at the door already grinning. "I am so down to watch the little mortals beat each other up!"

"Of course, you are." I chuckle at him. "Let us head out soon then."

As we set off towards the address that Alice gave us for the event, and my mind wanders back to my mate. I wonder why she will be at this event today. Is she interested in learning martial arts? Is she going with friends? Or worse, or she going with the boy I saw on her bike earlier this week? 

I had wanted to ask her who he was all week but couldn't find a way to ask it without being too forward. It is hard for a vampire to see their mate in the arms of another man, no matter the context, but she does not know that, and I cannot place any blame on her for it. Still though, it did sour my mood enough to need to hunt that night, just so I could give into my inner beast at least a little.

Emmett and I arrive at the small auditorium at a local community center. There seems to be many local businesses here all having some type of event. I found a sign for the martial arts event, which starts soon. We take our seats, choosing to sit a little further away from the stage and other people, just to not draw any more attention to ourselves.

The dojo's teacher comes out and thanks the audience for coming, stating they will have a demonstration class for the younger kids right on the stage, followed by some individual skills demonstrations, and finally the dojo will have its top two students put on the showcase performance sparring match. 

I look all around the stands, hoping to catch a glimpse of red hair, but cannot find her. There's also too many people here, so I can't pick up on her subtle scent.

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