Chapter 15: Christmas

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Christmas morning was pleasantly spent with Charlie. We both over indulged on my cinnamon rolls like usual, finishing off the entire batch. I opened all my gifts, getting things like a new coat from Charlie, a book about mythology from Bella, chocolates from Renee and Clearwater's, and a new video game from the boys. The twins each gave me an assortment of DVD's they knew I didn't have of movies that came out this year.

Billy surprisingly gave a book on the Quileute legends, which makes me wonder if he found out I was dating a 'cold one'. I'm not exactly hiding it, so it's possible someone told him, most likely Charlie mentioned Ivar in passing. The book itself is beautifully illustrated, so I look forward to reading it. I gave Charlie a large gift box full of exotic jerky and a new waterproof blanket he can take out fishing in the colder weather, plus I got him tickets to see our football team live in Seattle next week, but that's more a present for both of us.

Ivar arrives early to pick me up just before Charlie is leaving for work. He walks up to the house with a large gift box wrapped up in red plaid paper. Charlie is the one who answers the door when Ivar knocks, they greet each other merrily.

"Merry Christmas, Charlie. This is for your home." Ivar says, handling Charlie the gift.

"Uh... Thank you, I wasn't expecting a gift. Do you want me to open it now or...?" He awkwardly takes the gift in his hands.

"If you don't mind, it will only take a moment." Ivar says, he has a teasing smile on his lips by the time I'm standing next to Charlie, curiously looking at the gift as well.

"Well then, thanks." Charlie says gruffly and then unwraps it and opens the box to find... 

"A gnome?" Charlie and I ask at the same time, looking at Ivar with surprised expressions

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"A gnome?" Charlie and I ask at the same time, looking at Ivar with surprised expressions.

"I should have brought a camera for your faces." Ivar chuckles at us teasingly. "It is a tradition I grew up with to have a gnome around your home at Christmas time. They are called the Nisse Gnome, they are basically little Santa Clauses." He tells us.

"It's adorable! Where can we put it Charlie?" I ask him with a hyper bounce.

"Where do you recommend, Ivar?" Charlie asks him.

Ivar looks surprised at being asked his opinion. "Traditionally they go by the front door or stairs. Since this one is waterproof, maybe at the base of your stairs would be best?"

Charlie promptly puts the little gnome at the base of the stairs and stands back to admire it. "Huh, it looks good there. Thanks Ivar, you two have a nice day with your family." Charlie says quickly then walks off to his car to go to work.

I look up at Ivar with a giant grin once Charlie drives off. "He likes it, I can tell." I tell my soulmate. I can always see through Charlie's gruff responses, he was really touched by the gift.

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