Chapter 34: Wolf Pack

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The next morning I woke up with a sense of dread. I really didn't want to tell my boys about my past, and I debated back and forth internally for a while. I am going to be vague, I decided. There's no point in my telling them specifics. The main thing they need to know it that I know about them, and that Ivar is my mate. I don't want my friends to think I chose them to be in my life for any ulterior motives. Which was true at first when I met them as kids, I knew their names and their roles later in the stories. But then as I honestly got to know them, they turned into great friends, practically brothers.

"I may not be Edward, my love, but I can practically hear you thinking. You can let me help if you want." Ivar says softly against the side of my head. I still haven't officially woken up yet, too comfortable in his arms and not wanting to face the day.

"I don't want to tell the boys. I'm trying to figure out how to be vague." I grumble out. "Is that awful of me? Should I just tell them?"

"Your stories are your own, it is up to you to tell them. You know them best, you know how they will react. Just do what is safest, don't risk them shifting around you and hurting you." He says softly. "Alice is here still, by the way, in case you do not want to say too much. Honestly though, if you don't want to tell them anything, just say you learned about the wolves from me. Or make up that you're a gifted human or something." He offers options to me, gently stroking my arms.

"Gifted human isn't a bad idea." I contemplate. "Ugh. Maybe I'll just make it up on the spot. Alright. Times to face the wolves." I finally get up, slapping my face lightly and putting on my 'game face'.

"Are you sure you don't want me there?" He asks nervously. "I can risk the treaty to support you."

"Nah. You can't go anyway." I kiss his forehead, trying to get his worried creases to disappear. "I know they won't hurt me, and if there is an accident, I'll just dodge and evade. Maybe use bear spray on them." I chuckle at the end at my joking thought.

"Good back up, bring that. And try not to antagonize them. They are young shifters, the Cullen's mentioned that they are unpredictable and ruled by their emotions at this stage." He says a little fearfully.

"My love, I will be careful and come back to you unharmed. Here, I'll bring these with me as well." I say and pull out a pack of large kunai blades I have hidden on the underside of my bed. "Does this make you feel better?" I ask him impatiently.

He breaks into a quiet and genuine laugh as he watched me pull the knives out of nowhere

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He breaks into a quiet and genuine laugh as he watched me pull the knives out of nowhere. "A little, yes. I will worry until you are in my arms again tonight." He kisses me softly before heading out my window.

"I'll see you later, kjekken." I blow him a kiss and give him a wink.

I get dressed and ready, strapping my knives to my leg. I wear a longer sweater to hide the pouch. I've kept up on my practice over the years, and ordered these knives about three years ago as a private gift to myself. Thankfully, Charlie doesn't check my mail. I always have at least one blade hidden on me at all times, because of old habits, but for today I'll bring a whole pack.

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