35. Planet of Psychics

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I settled down into my chair, following the lead of Courtney and several other syncorians at the dining room table. It was nicely polished with a large blue crystal lighting up the room from above and the stone walls being made to look smooth like marble.

The table we were sitting at was huge and round, giving me a good view of every syncorian that sat down. Furthermore, a smaller table was set in the corner of the room with a couple of chairs at an end each.

I had wondered about the seperate tables and chairs for a short time until two familiar faces were pushed into the room.

"Hey! Watch the robe!" Growled Red, stumbling into the room and glaring at the Syncorian warden.

Purple followed soon after, immediately locking eyes with me and jumping in response.

"Y/n!" He rushed over, causing me to instinctively stand up in preparation to catch him if he were to run at me.

Which he did do.

The tallest ran at me with no warning, barely giving me a chance to react before jumping at me and forcing me to hold him up. It didn't help that his hands were literally tied.

Still, I held him to the best of my ability as he complained about the service on this planet.

"They don't have snacks here, I'm not gonna make it!" He insists, locking his tied up hands over my head so he could throw his arms around my neck and cling to me more efficiently.

I rubbed his shoulder gently, earning light trills from the irken whilst he buried his face into the crook of my neck slowly. The sounds he made were akin to a cricket, though softer and lower in volume.

I didn't cease my motion, opting to reply whilst still keeping him close to my chest.

"You'll be okay. Just a little longer alright." I whisper, feeling his grip on me tighten.

I could tell he wanted to leave right at this moment. But for some strange reason, he decided not to protest.

After a short while, Purple finally released me and was guided to the smaller table along with Red, who was making a fuss about the lack of respect.

"Ironic" I muttered under my breath, stifling a chuckle whilst the syncorian leader patiently awaited for me to be settled in place again.

Once she was ready she spoke.

"Fellow generals and members of the court, today I have a personal guest with me from the planet Earth. They will be joining us for a meal" she beamed as she spoke, grinning at me before glancing towards each of her comrades.

Red cleared his throat from behind us.

"And we have some...not so welcome guests as well." She continued after the prompt, grimancing.

She shook off her feeling of anger and dread pretty fast, ignoring the tallest further before her focus was reset onto the meal that was now being brought out and served.

I noticed very quickly that each meal catered to an individual and found that when a plate was eventually placed in front of me, I was excited to find food that I actually liked.

A savoury dish that I loved back on Earth, much to my surprise.

"How did you know?" I asked, turning my head to Courtney who now appeared rather smug as she watched me with her head rested against her palms.

"Oh, just a guess." She smirked, leaning back against her chair.

"Cut the crap, Courtney." Spoke another syncorian across the table.

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