17. boredom gone wrong

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(Very short chapter)

I was bored.

Simply and utterly bored.

There was nothing to do but watch the tallest have overly formal conversations with invaders. So far, they just ended up repeating the same conversation.

"How is the mission going?"


"Did you recieve the new ship upgrade?"

"Yes, thank you my tallest"

That was how every conversation seemed to go. There was nothing new and nothing interesting. In fact, the tallest barely looked awake themselves.

I thought they looked tired before, but it turns out that it wasnt even remotely as bad as now. Their bags had only gotten darker since the talk with the control brains and it was clearly growing harder for them to not fall asleep where they stood.

"Thank you my tallest. I hope to hear from you again soon!" Spoke another invader, by the name of Tenn.

Her conversation with the tallest went just like the others. It started the same and ended the same.

All of the conversations looped so often that if it wasnt obvious which invader was which I was sure I'd mistake it for a time loop. There were very few variations of conversation, only differing when an invader had another request or the tallest were checking on a specific thing from a previous talk.

There was nothing truly special.

When the two had ended the call with Tenn, I stepped forward.

"Is this stuff necessary? Its seriously boring and you guys look worse than earlier" I spoke, sounding more offensive than intended.

"Thanks a lot." Red stated sarcastically, folding his arms over his chest before almost immediately dropping them.

Wow, he didnt even have the energy to keep up his snarky poses. This was getting worrying.

"Of course its necessary!" Exclaimed purple, leaning against a control panel.

"Really? Cause if this is all you do every day then it seems like a waste of time. All it really does is keep you occupied. I think if an invader really had a problem then they would call you about it. Is it really worth going through every single one of them!?" I questioned, pulling everyone in the room into a state of shock.

Red and Purple seemed more shocked than anyone. Like they werent even aware of how much time this one job consumed.

"But...the control brains said this was the best method. Are you telling me they're wrong!?!" Glared Red, moving toward me.

I started feeling anxious, remembering the last time red appeared this scary. He threatened my life and made sure I was aware of who was in charge.

But now I wasnt even sure who was in charge. The tallest. The control brains. I wasnt aware of who I should fear more.

"Are you really challenging the control brains methods?" Stated purple, making it very clear that one wrong answer would trigger a whole new anger.

His voice had become lower, signifying the building anger and making everything within me freeze.

It was like being isolated in a room of lions. One wrong move could result in regret and demise. This wasnt like Earth. I had to remember that and throw my pride away to survive.

"You should watch what you say, human. Be very careful of what you say next"

I knew there was a possibility of red being angry with me, but purple's anger was not something I could have foreseen.

Was this them talking? Or their exhaustion?

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