51. Fighting Looney (Midstory Finale part 1)

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Sorry for being gone for so long everyone!! I hope the wait was worth it because HEREEEE WE AREEE!!! MIDSTORY FINALE PART 1!!!!!

Quite a lot of trigger warnings for this chapter, including:

Mentions of: Gore, body horror, breaking bones, parasites, syringes/syring/equivalents, puncture wounds, a bit more swearing than usual and people trying to kill you. Wahoo!!!

Please be careful with this one guys, its not super graphic but it's not pleasant.)

"Purple! Good to see you!" Exclaimed a strange alien, wielding a haul of weapons.

Xe were stood outside of a small tavern on Ikregon when we found xem, wiping the blood from Xer sword and leaving the building with chaos still ensuing from inside. That was when Xe spotted purple, out of his disguise and approaching slowly with an awkward wave.

"Tawn" the Irken greeted with a nod, the uncomfortable posture still lingering.

I observed the stranger closely. Xe had a shorter frame than the tallest, though were a lot more built. Xe looks sort of like an alligator, though with horns and a shorter snout. Furthermore, the clothing xe wore was a hard leather-like material, giving xem an almost rough appearance. Still, xe seemed friendly enough toward Purple.

As the two caught up, albeit a little cautious, Red and myself had lingered a few feet away.

Red took a look back at me, uncertain and confused. Honestly, I probably didn't look much better.

"It'll be okay...." I breathed out, moreso to myself, but Red may have needed it too.

"I don't like this," He stated and crossed his arms bitterly, "This....Tawn....how does Purple even know xem? Why has he never told me about xem? What, was he ashamed of me, or something??"

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