Chapter 3: Fears Alight

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*6 months after Link's death*

Liana hesitantly held her Zora chest plate out in front of her. The carved red and blue markings reflected brightly in the morning light and the metal shoulder platings slightly drooped down from having no support underneath them. The princess begrudgingly put it on along with her guard pants and boots. She then snatched her bow away from the glazed wall and grabbed her quiver, putting it around her. As she began stomping out of the throne room, her mother came up to meet her.

"Liana," Mipha smiled, "are you ready?"

"I guess," Liana grumbled and continued walking past her.

"Liana, you have to have confidence."

"You know what happened last month! I completely screwed up the Ralis Pond mission! Bazz and Gaddison had to save me from that stupid Hinox!"

"You are still new to all of this. You will get used to it all with time," Mipha gave her a hopeful gaze, but Liana merely gave her a side eye. "And you won't be alone this time. You've been paired up with Klay, and he's a very skilled fighter."

"I don't know who this Klay dude is, and I don't know if I really care to. Being paired up with someone who only joined a year ago doesn't give me much confidence."

The two of them reached the plaza, and much of the Zora Guard were gathered there. The group noticed the two princesses and happily greeted them.

"Princess Liana," Bazz waved, "glad to see you're here. I'd like to introduce you to your partner for this mission: Klay." A young, light grey Zora, who would technically be considered about a few years older than Liana in Zora years, stepped from behind Bazz. His silver longsword clanged against his Zora armor.

He gave a warm smile and held his hand out to shake Liana's hand. "I'm glad that I finally get to work with you!" He nudged his hand a bit closer and Liana shook his hand.

"Yeah, me too," she said, resent clearly in her voice. Klay immediately noticed her tone and slowly took his hand away, worried that he may have made a bad impression. Bazz simply looked at Mipha quizzically and the Zora Champion quickly changed the subject.

"Alright, well, you two best be on your way! Be safe, honey," she hugged Liana tightly and the younger princess only returned the hug slightly. "I love you."

"Love you too," Liana mumbled and pulled away from her hug. "Alright, let's get this over with."

"Uh, yes, of course!" Klay took a couple steps toward the Great Zora Bridge. He turned to Mipha and gave a reassuring nod, "I'll make sure to bring her back safely."

"I know you will," Mipha returned the nod, though a small amount of doubt rested in the back of her mind. She knew that Liana and Klay were capable of taking care of themselves, but she just feared. She did not want to lose another loved one.

As the two young guards travelled out on the bridge, Bazz stepped over to Mipha's side, "Is Liana doing alright? She seems... distant."

"She didn't use to be like that," Mipha sighed. "I believe that Link's death could be the problem. But I'm sure I'm part of the problem as well..."

"Why you? I know that losing Link was very hard on you, but you've been staying strong for all of us. You're trying your best."

"...Valik and Liana are really the only ones who are seeing the opposite of what you all see."

"If that's the case, shouldn't they be more understanding and patient? You've had to step up so much."

"They've been trying to be patient with me for six months, Bazz. They've been so strong ever since Link died, but I know they're at their limit, and I just can't seem to get it together fast enough."

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