Chapter 19: Determined Nightmare

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Stripped of his weapon and armor, Klay was sat down helplessly on the queen bed of his 'new lover's', as they called her. He scanned the room, trying to find any possible way to escape. There was a vent above the desk across the room, however, Klay would not be able to sneak through it. Only a small child could probably squeeze its way through. So, that only left the door, which allowed major risks and uncertainties.

Klay stood up from his place and quietly walked over to the door. He silently placed his hand on the knob and took a deep breath. He listened closely for what was on the other side. When he realized all was quiet, he slowly turned the doorknob and cracked the door open. He peeked through the small crack, and when he saw that all was clear, he fully walked out and shut the door behind him. Klay looked side-to-side then headed down to the left. He had to think where his armor and weapon could be. Could they be in some locker room? Were they in someone else's care?

As Klay passed a room, he realized that the door was cracked open, and the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of something shining. He stopped and tiptoed over to the cracked open door. He practically gasped when he saw a room fit for a king, and a smile reached his lips as he saw his silver longsword hung up above the red king-sized bed. He swallowed a small breath and opened the door wider. No one was in the room. Quickly and stealthily he hurried over to the bed and reached his hand up to the longsword. He froze, however, when he heard a grown man clearing his throat behind him.

"Oh, Klay," the man's voice was sinister, yet playful. "You're a handful, aren't you?"

Klay turned toward the man and put his hands behind his back. Now that he got a better look at the man, he could see that the man was tall, not too skinny and not too burly. Unlike most Yiga, he didn't have his mask on, and his white hair was tucked into a low bun. His dark red eyes glared at Klay in both an unnerving and psychotic way.

"My daughter would be terribly sad if she were to see that you were gone," the man faked a pout.

"Your daughter?" Klay's eyes widened. "You're the new Yiga leader?"

"Precisely!" The Yiga leader pointed at Klay and nodded. "I am Master Serdin, Leader of the Yiga. Descendant of Master Sooga, who was a great friend of Master Kogha's. Might I also add, your soon-to-be father-in-law."

"Wait, if you're the leader, then that means Sooga died. I know that Urbosa never killed him when Valik and Liana were kidnapped all those years ago, but..."

"He died during the Aftershock," Serdin shrugged. "See, he was gonna' ambush Valik and Alivia during that whole thing at the Sacred Grounds. But Before he could act, Alivia's power happened and he kinda got sealed away for eternity." Klay looked down in understanding and Serdin set his hands on his hips. "Now come here, boy. I've got some rules to lay on you. Let's not dilly-dally now."

Klay dragged his feet as he followed Serdin back to his daughter's room. Serdin opened the door and gestured him to walk through. As he did, Serdin kicked the Zora in the back and he stumbled forward onto the bed.

"Hey, what the heck, man?!" Klay turned to the leader and scoffed.

Serdin closed the door, and like wind, rushed over to Klay. He dug his nails into the Zora's shoulders, "You belong here now, you hear? You are one of us. Your life before this means nothing. Your love before this means nothing."

"I will never belong to you," Klay scowled. "I belong to the Zora. I am a high ranking member of the Zora Guard. My heart belongs to Princess Liana of the Zora."

Serdin began to maniacally laugh, but then stopped on a dime, "You will become the husband to my daughter Nadri, a princess herself. You will treat her with all the love and respect that you once gave to your previous lover. You will both eventually raise up children to one day become new leaders of the Yiga."

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