Chapter 24: Yiga Clash 3/3

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Serdin stood atop the platform in the center of the arena. The audience wrapped around it all, eager to hear what round three would amount to. Klay, his buddies, and Nadri stood right in front of the platform. They anxiously looked up at Serdin, hoping that his plan wouldn't be too harsh.

"Welcome, one and all!" Serdin announced. "Today is the finale! We have our wonderful contestant, Klay, as our finalist! Klay, why don't you come up here?" Klay glanced over at his friends before climbing up the pedestal and standing at Serdin's side. "Klay, my boy, what have you learned so far on your journey through this Yiga Clash?"

"What did I learn?" Klay looked back at his friends and smiled. "I learned a lot. I guess to sum it all up, never underestimate anyone."

"I like that! Don't we all?" Serdin pointed at the crowd and they cheered in agreement. "Now here's what round three has in store for you, Klay. I want you to defeat the blue-maned lynel on Laparoh Mesa. But here's the catch: You'll be equipped with no cold protection and only a single traveler's sword. All the while I will create obstacles and distractions to purposefully mess you up." Serdin evilly smiled, while everyone else seemed quite surprised and worried. Klay kept a straight face, however. "All you gotta' do is win."

Klay deeply inhaled. Of course he was worried. Fighting a lynel while being gravely unprepared is no joke. However, he did have a bit of confidence in himself. These past two years he has been training with Valik, and the training has accustomed him to harsh conditions.

"Then let the battle begin," Klay looked up towards the snowy mesa.

"Perfect," Serdin growled and faced more towards the audience. "You are all welcome to come and watch, just stay out of our way."

Klay leaped down from the platform, and while his friends wanted to confront him, Nadri got to him first. She hugged him tightly and he begrudgingly hugged her back.

"You be careful," she pleaded.

"I will," Klay patted her head and looked to his buddies. "You guys better watch me."

"Oh, you know we wouldn't miss it!" Etch boomed. "We'll be cheering for you all the way!"


As Serdin and Klay trudged through the snow, Klay looked down at the traveler's sword he was holding. It looked almost puny in his big hand. It was clear to him that this sword was not taken care of at all. It was dull, rusty, and even felt flimsy. He tried brainstorming in his head how he would be able to accomplish strong attacks with this weapon, but he ultimately decided that he would just have to prolong the fight and get creative.

"There it is," Serdin stopped walking and set his hands on his hips. Klay followed suit and studied the beast from afar. It walked with strength and confidence. It had a strong lynel bow and a giant savage lynel crusher on its back. "Beauty, ain't it?"

"If you say so," Klay shrugged. "When does the fight begin?"

"The fight begins the moment it notices you. Feel free to ambush if you'd like. I'll see you on the battlefield," Serdin disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving Klay alone.

A brisk gust of wind pierced through Klay's scales. The Zora scanned his surroundings. There was virtually no place for cover aside from leveled boulders and rocks scattering the edges of the cliff. There was also a tall slope behind the lynel, and while the lynel would easily be able to run up it, there seemed to be enough walking room behind the tall slope, which would allow Klay some cover and rest if needed. Ultimately, he decided there would be no point in an ambush.

Klay cautiously stepped closer and closer to the lynel, the packed snow crunching beneath his feet. The determined Zora tightened his grip on his wimpy sword and focused on the movement of the lynel. His eyes locked onto the lynel's forehead, remembering that the key to a lynel fight was the head.

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