Chapter 28: Thread of Loyalty 2/4

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Serdin slammed the dark, basement door. The room fell pitch black, but Klay stood close to the door. He tried to feel around for some sort of knob or handle, only to realize it was a door that could only be opened with Sheikah magic. He looked up desperately, remembering the levels and levels of stairs that they trekked down. He was far from the light.

"Father, this was supposed to be my day!" Nadri whined. Serdin snapped his fingers and torches lit up the walls. "Why?! Why did you call it off?!"

"Quiet!" The leader firmly set his hand on his daughter's shoulder. "If you would just shut up, I'll explain!" Nadri sighed and folded her arms, waiting for her father to continue. "An invasion is upon us."

Both Nadri and Klay sharply gasped. The Zora slowly turned toward the two Yiga, seeing Serdin's stressed face and Nadri's smudged makeup.

"And you just found out about this?!" Nadri stomped. "We had spies! Did they not tell you or figure it out?!"

"I figured it was a bluff!" Serdin pulled away and began to pace. "But they were serious. How were they even ready in a month?"

"Then...that means Liana will be here..." Nadri's expression brightened. "Good! Now I can finally end her—rid her completely away from Klay!"

Klay's body grew warm as new hope rose within him. His confidence returned. He felt more free than he has ever felt in his prison. "I won't let you lay even a finger on her!" Klay glared at Nadri, and she looked at him stunned.

"But—But, Klay..." she took a couple steps toward him. "You're my pearl! A-And all those times you said you loved me..."

"You are absolutely vile!" Klay clenched his fists. "I'm your pearl? Nadri, do you even realize how hypocritical you're being?" She opened her mouth to speak, but Klay cut her off. "You really thought that I had submitted myself to you?! After everything that you've put me through; what you're father has put me through?! You have been using me! Both of you have been toying with my mind and emotions!"

"Klay, how could you?" Tears began to well up in her eyes. "I love you. I want to be with you."

"Well I don't! I could be here for an eternity and I'd still feel the exact disdain towards you! Just think, Nadri! You ripped me away from my life and tried to tell me that I needed to live a new one; that my life before was meaningless!"

"Well it was! You were with that stupid, bratty princess! You only thought your life had meaning because of her title!"

"No, I never fell in love with a title. I fell in love with a person. Liana helped me find meaning in my life. She helped me find myself. You...You only made me lose myself! I lost meaning! I started to forget who I used to be! I've tried to gain your trust to the point where I was forgetting myself. I bore through every bit of torture so that I could somehow find a way out of here. I feel nothing but hatred for you."

"ENOUGH!" Serdin rushed towards Klay and pinned him against the wall. He punched Klay hard in the stomach and almost immediately held his carver to the Zora's throat. The angry leader pushed the carver enough to break skin. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to start your punishment early. I guess now I have no choice!"

Serdin slammed Klay to the ground. The Zora grimaced and scrambled to his feet, dodging one of Serdin's punches. Nadri watched in horror as her father risked the life of her loved one. Serdin didn't care though. He was fed up with Klay.

"You will pay for all the pain you've caused her!" Serdin rammed Klay into the back wall, the carver now to the Zora's chest. Serdin looked side to side, eyeing the chains on either side of Klay. "Nadri, lock him up!"

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