Chapter 43: What Really Matters

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Klay was sat at the table skimming through some documents. He signed one of the papers and set it to the side. As he focused on the next piece of paper, he held the pen up to his lip. Liana sat across from him, looking through her own stack of papers. She rolled her eyes as she got near the end of one and wrote an 'x' near the top.

"I keep getting this stupid document about changing the whole structure of the Domain," she set her pen down and slumped back into her chair.

"Oh, is that the one of them wanting to change how the community pools are set up?" he glanced up at her and she nodded. "Yeah, I kept getting that one too. I talked with the council and they said that some tourists were complaining about it constantly. They keep making the council turn the document into us."

"It's just ridiculous! I mean, they go some place to tour and then they get surprised that it's a different place with different cultures and customs. Then they get all mad about it and try to change it? Like, no! You don't live here! This is just how the Zora live! Like, do they complain that the Gorons sleep on rocks or something?" She began to angrily write on the paper, making a note to stop this document from going through.

Klay chuckled, "But do you want to know what makes it funny? Part of the reason why those tourists are mad is because they thought that those pools were just actual swimming pools—like for recreational use. They were confused why some Zoras were angry at them."

"Guess we need a sign now."

Klay returned to his work, and Liana grabbed the Sheikah Slate in the center of the table. She sighed as she skimmed through the photos on it, giving her mind a break. She eventually switched it to the camera and discreetly pointed it at Klay. She zoomed in on him and took a quality picture of his contemplative face. She took several more from different angles, and he was still too preoccupied to notice.

"Hey Liana, this one's yours. It somehow got in my pile..." he finally looked up and noticed the slate in front of his wife's face. "How many pictures did you take?"

"A lot," she smiled proudly and set the slate between them again. He took it while she grabbed the document that was for her. "I'm surprised that it took you so long to notice."

"I still can't get over how talented you are," he opened the slate and skimmed through the photos she took. "They don't call you 'Talent of the Zora' for nothing."

"It's just a fun hobby," she shrugged and peered through the window. She smiled as she saw a flock of ducks fly past and up into the sky. The water shimmered bright from the afternoon sun. "It's so pretty today."

"It is. It's a shame that we have so much work to do."

"Ah, being royalty sucks. I hate being busy all the time. All I want is to be able to be a normal citizen where I can just be an architect. Then on my days off I could just relax at Horon Lagoon."

Suddenly, a frantic knocking came from the door. Liana rolled her eyes and walked over to it. She opened it and faked a smile as she saw Muzu. "Princess Liana, I'm very sorry to disturb you, but this is a very urgent matter. May I come in?" He gestured toward the room. Liana looked to her husband and he gave her a slight nod. Liana followed up with her own nod, and she let the old stingray in.

"What's the problem?" She closed the door and held her hands behind her back.

"There's been a sighting of a batch of Hylian teenagers running amok in the region. They're vandalizing all of our dear Zora monuments! We must track those hooligans down and deal with them immediately!"

"That's strange. Why would they do that?"

"Because they're idiots that's why! You must set them straight! And while you're at it, contact the lead architect and have them fix up those monuments immediately!"

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