Chapter 54: Possibility

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The group reached the small area of trees just under the cliffs leading up to wasteland tower. Mipha noted how Naboris still stood proudly on Spectacle Rock. However, its lights were now completely dark. It made her question, but she waved it off as it signifying that it had no pilot. It made her dread being near the desert. Every attempt of trying to visit Dansi had ended up in failure. She could not even bring herself to write a letter. The memories of her dear friend hurt too much. And while Mipha did not want to admit it, there was resentment.

The afternoon sun beat down on the group as they found a small area to make their camp. Sidon helped a few of the guards set up the tents, while Mipha and Charlotte began to prepare lunch. Occasionally he would glance over at the beautiful Hylian, admiring her gentle smile.

"I never knew about that fact!" Charlotte exclaimed, watching Mipha stir the pot. "So I've been making creamy meat soup wrong this whole time?!"

"Don't worry," Mipha giggled. "I had no idea either until Link taught me."

"What other things has he taught you?"

"Well, before him and I got married I was really only familiar with cooking seafood. I was kind of familiar with fruit and other meat, but vegetables and desserts? He had to do all that. It wasn't until we were about to have Valik where I realized that I should become a bit more proficient in my cooking skills. He essentially taught me all I know."

"That's actually really sweet. Did you give him some tips on cooking seafood?"

"Yes. We both helped each other, really." Mipha scooped some of the soup into the ladle and studied it closely. "Hm, something is missing... Oh, the pepper! It should be in my bag, I'm sure."

"I can go grab it real quick!"

"Thank you, Charlotte!" Mipha continued to stir the soup, and Charlotte began to scann the array of tents. Sidon was putting up the last one. "It seems like they are almost done. Knowing Sidon, he has probably put my bag in my tent. He can help you find it!"

"On it!"

Charlotte skipped over to Sidon. He jammed in the last of the stakes and slightly flinched at seeing her. Both of them gave a slight laugh before getting to business. "Sidon, do you know where Mipha's bag is?" Charlotte asked. "She needs some pepper out of it." She held her hands behind her back and craned her neck up as he stood.

"Yes, I'll show you." He led her over to his sister's tent and sneaked in and grabbed the bag. He unbuttoned it and scanned through the items before pulling out a small bottle of pepper. "Here you go!"

"Thank you! Oh, and thanks for setting up the camp."

"It's no problem. I should be thanking you for helping with the delicious meal!"

"Ah, your sister is doing all the hard work. I'll see you in a bit!"

It wasn't long before the soup was finished, and Mipha called everyone over for a well-deserved break. Charlotte volunteered to help dish out the food. She handed a bowl to Mipha first then gathered another for Sidon. As Sidon went to grab his bowl, his hands grazed hers. They both stared at each other for a moment, their faces blushing pink. Mipha smirked at her little brother as he began to fumble with his hands and words.

"I-ah-uh, I'm so sorry." He moved his hands more to the top and gently took it away from her.

"No, no, i-it's all good." She brought her hands to her chest and quickly turned back to the pot.

Sidon kept on an awkward smile, but when Charlotte had turned away, he immediately let it fall and he quietly groaned to himself. He sat himself next to his sister, and Mipha gave him a slight nudge. He glanced at her and ate a spoonful of his soup. She nudged him once again, this time he made the effort to look at her fully. He groaned once more as he saw his sister's sly smile.

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