Chapter 44: Chatter

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Liana rubbed the smooth, luminous monument with her cloth. She lowered her hand and squinted at the spot she cleaned. She gave a slight nod of approval and set the cloth next to her feet. She then grabbed a hammer and chisel and began to carefully etch words into the smooth spot. Klay leaned up against a tree and glanced down at the Hylian teenagers. They sat criss-cross in the grass and ate their sandwiches. Lucas was more fixated on his food, Leya was focused on Klay, and Rett stared longingly at Liana.

"She's literally perfect," Rett rested his chin on his hand. "She's pretty, she's smart, she can fight, but not only that, she's actually pretty funny and nice."

"You got that right," Klay crossed his arms and stared ahead at his wife. "She's truly talented."

"Out of everyone in this world, how did she end up with you?" The brown-haired teenager glanced a glare toward the Zora.

"Rett, don't you dare speak to Prince Klay like that!" Leya scolded. "You should treat him with the respect that he deserves!"

"But here you are fawning over him."

"I'm doing so respectfully! I mean, I'm not just going to ignore the most handsome, kindest, strongest guy that I've ever met! Also, might I add that I'm not trying to force him to be with me! I know when I can't win a battle."

Rett groaned and returned to eating his food. He peered back over to Liana, and Klay did as well. They both watched as she meticulously created designs and formations in the stone. It almost mesmerized them. Each clink and tap deepened them into a trance...until Lucas brought them out of it.

"Mmmm! This is so good!" The blonde-haired teenager licked the jelly off of his hands.

"It's just a peanut butter jelly sandwich," Leya judged.

"The best peanut butter jelly sandwich! What type of jelly is this?" He looked up at Klay with a child-like excitement.

"Uh, voltfruit I think?" Klay shrugged and slightly laughed.

"Oh, I'm getting myself a whole jar of that!"

"You're such a pig!" Leya rolled her eyes in disgust.

The two began to argue, and Klay only laughed and shook his head, "Liana, come take a quick break!"

Liana glanced back at the group and carefully set her tools down. She walked back to them, and Klay handed her a canteen full of water. She took a couple big gulps and closed it, "I'm almost done with this first monument. I should be able to finish it by tonight."

"That's great!" He led her to sit down, and she gladly cooperated. "Are you hungry at all? We've got a couple sandwiches left."

"Oh, I'm fine, thank you," she shook her head and leaned back on her hands. "So, what have you all been talking about behind my back?"

"Oh, nothing. Just telling them embarrassing stories of you."

"Klay!" She lightly shoved his shoulder

He laughed, "I'm kidding."

"Well, now you have to tell us a story!" Leya chimed. "Go on! Give us a cute, embarrassing couple story between you two."

"See what you've gotten us into, Klay? Okay, let me think," Liana tapped her chin and giggled as she thought of one. Klay gave her a slightly concerned look. "I've got a good one. So, this was about five years ago. We were still only boyfriend and girlfriend then..."


Liana put on a short-sleeved, knee-length dress. It was navy blue, and it featured beautiful floral lacing. She excitedly put on her white-strapped wedge sandals and quickly looked at herself in the mirror. She twirled around in her outfit and slightly squealed, imagining how handsome Klay would look. A faint knock came from the door, and she eagerly went to it. She smiled wide as she opened it and hugged her handsome date. "You look so cute!" She squealed.

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