Chapter 39: Still 2/2

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Serdin evilly grinned as he landed on the shrine's platform. All seemed empty to him in the tranquil forest. Although, his eyes were too impure to see the many Koroks mumbling in fear around him.

"Hestu! He's here! He's here!" One of them called out. "I don't think he can see us!"

Hestu hurried over to his friends and gasped as he saw the scary figure, "Oh no, oh no! Hey mister! Get away from here!" The big Korok expected some sort of reply, but there was nothing. "He can't hear me either! Go warn Mr.Valik!"

The small Koroks fled like a swarm of keese. Hestu began to shake his maracas and a giant force expanded from him that trampled Serdin to the ground. The Yiga leader growled and quickly stood up, ignoring the pain from his wounds.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Serdin stomped off of the shrine.

Valik's heart stopped at the distant voice, and his fears were confirmed when a swarm of Koroks came to him. He didn't even listen to their frantic warnings. He gave Tayli a stern look and she realized the situation that had come upon them.

"Do not leave," Valik spoke quickly and firmly. "You hide here and do not make a single sound."

"N-No..." Tayli stood up, and Valik hurried over to her so that she would not step any more closer to danger.

"Please, Tayli," he pulled her over to the leafy bed and sat her down. He kneeled down in front of her and kissed her hand. They both could hear the fight ensuing between Serdin and Hestu.

"What if you get hurt? What if he finds me in here? What if—"

"There is a lot of unknown, but trust me when I say that I won't let him come near you," he gave her a quick hug and kissed her softly. Tayli reached out for him again when he hurried out of the room, but he never looked back.

Tayli set her hands on her belly, feeling the baby move. Her heart began to race, wondering what Serdin would do if he did find her. Would he just kill the child somehow? Would he aim to kill her as well? How did Serdin even find them anyway? Were the others safe?

Valik darted towards the fight ensuing between Hestu and Serdin. The Yiga Master roared and began flinging his carver all over the place, unable to see where Hestu's attacks were coming from. He stopped, however, when his eyes landed on Valik. He evilly laughed and glared the prince down.

"Hope you don't find my visit being too spontaneous. I just wanted to give your wife a little present," he hobbled over to Valik, but stopped when he unknowingly reached Hestu's side. "She must be close."

"The only life you're taking is mine," Valik growled.

"How noble," Serdin rushed forward and tried to slice his carver against Valik, but he dodged backwards.

The Zora prince jumped up high and flipped behind the Yiga Master. He punched him hard in the back and went in for another attack with his sword, but Serdin rolled forward and sent a wave of knives toward him. Hestu jumped in front of Valik and tried to create a force field. He blocked all except one, and that one punctured Hestu right in the neck.

"OW, OW, OW!" Hestu cried and stumbled back.

Serdin slightly chuckled as the Korok's invisible disguise wore off, "I see you have an ally."

"Hestu! Get somewhere safe! I can handle him!" Valik lightly pushed the Korok slightly and Hestu only looked at him with concern. "Protect her for me."

Hestu gave a firm nod and escaped in a cloud of smoke. Serdin rushed behind Valik, hoping to have the big Korok lead him to Tayli. Valik gripped the back of Serdin's suit and threw him back behind him. The Yiga leader groaned and went to tackle the Zora-Hylian down, but Valik stood his ground. He instead kicked Serdin to the side, and he pinned him down to the ground.

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