Chapter 14: A Ring of Words

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*8 years after Link's death*

Tayli slumped onto one of the big boulders on the shore of Veiled Falls. She sighed and held her head in her heads, trying to calm her thoughts. Today put her at her limit. All of the classes were rowdy and disobedient. Her coworkers were not treating her well—purposely overworking her. The final thing that pushed her over the edge were the rumors that have been spreading about her recently. Just plain false accusations, like her cheating on Valik or her being with him for the money. She has tried to ignore it, but the accusations just fill her to the brim.

"Tayli!" A lavender Zora called out.

Tayli sighed and looked up at her approaching coworker, "Hey, Frosli. I hope you're feeling better.

"Oh, much better! Crazy how far medicine has come! This morning I was coughing my lungs out and now I feel just great! Thanks for covering for me today!"

"Yeah, I'm always happy to help."

Frosli sat next to Tayli and nudged her shoulder, "You feeling alright? You seem a little down."

"Just tired is all. I had to cover all of your guys's shifts."

"Oh, that's right! Thanks again for that. I bet the rumors have been bothering you too," she smirked as she noticed Tayli wince at the comment. "You know the rumors, right? You bein' with Valik for the money, the fame, secretly spending time with a special someone other than Valik, a couple others slip my tongue."

"And all are lies."

"But of course the one being accused would say that."

"Frosli, let's not get into this please. I've had a hard enough day as it is."

"Listen, we all just want what's best for Valik, alright? We're looking out for him," Frosli's eyes trailed down to the Great Zora Bridge. A small gasp escaped her mouth as she noticed a small army of the Zora Guard returning back from one of their missions. Valik was among this group. "Speaking of Valik, seems like he's back." Tayli perked up and squinted down at the crowd. It was easy for her to notice the Zora-Hylian talking with one of the captains.

"Oh, thank goodness!" She immediately sprang up and ran down the hill to the bridge entering the domain. As she ran, she could catch some others giving her disgusted and piercing glares.

Valik smiled as he saw Tayli hurry down the stairs. Her dark blue scales contrasted greatly with the orange sunset, making her appear even more beautiful and radiant. He met her halfway and spun her around, lifting her slightly off of the ground.

"Oh, Tayli!" He lowered her down and kissed the top of her head. "Can't believe it's been a month since I've last seen you. How are things?"

"Um..." she scrunched her shoulders up and sighed, relaxing them. "Tiring. Very tiring. I really missed you this time."

His expression fell and he brushed his thumb along her left cheek, "Is this something you want to talk about in private?"

"Yes, preferably now. I know that you must be exhausted from your trip and I don't want to add to that—"

"Hey, there's no need to worry about me. Is there a certain place you'd like to talk at?"

"Is Ruta an option? I just..." her voice hushed into a whisper. "I just don't want anybody else to eavesdrop."

"Of course. Let's go."


The two stood along the bank of the pond that Vah Ruta rested in. The setting sun cast Vah Ruta's shadow over the couple.

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