Chapter 30: Thread of Loyalty 3/4

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Mipha slammed her trident down and a wave of water exploded from all sides. All the Yiga surrounding her flew back, some disappearing into dogs of smoke. She took a quick moment to look at the small batch of Gerudo soldiers with her.

"Stay here and fight off the rest of the Yiga in here! I'll scout the next room!" Mipha ordered. The Gerudo soldiers all nodded and continued their fights.

The Zora Champion rushed through the halls and eventually came upon a gigantic ball room. She was in awe at the decorations, the tables, and the food and wine at a big buffet table.

"Was someone getting married?" She quietly muttered to herself. She flinched as she heard her brother's voice boom through the room.

"Take that!" Sidon rushed in from the opposing hallway entrance and kicked a footsoldier into a table. The soldier quickly puffed into smoke, and Sidon smiled as he saw his sister, "Mipha! Is everything going alright?"

"Yes, I'm glad to see you're fine too."

He looked around himself, "Seems like we crashed a party."

Mipha searched around cautiously, especially since no Yiga seemed to be in the room. She slowly walked by the buffet table, eyeing all the fresh food. Then she got to the center of the table and practically gasped. There was a three-tiered wedding cake. It was beautiful, aside from the fact that it practically made her stomach drop. Two figurines were on the top of the cake, one being a young Yiga women, the other being Klay.

"We didn't just crash any party. We crashed Klay's wedding," Mipha stepped back and Sidon hurried to her side.

"Really? Oh, Liana's not gonna be happy to see this. What if they already got married?"

"I don't think so. None of the food is eaten. I'm sure Klay and whoever he was with went into hiding. They obviously know we're here for him."

The two went suddenly quiet as they heard the sound of a tense fight happening outside the north hallway entrance. There was a constant sound of metal clashing. The siblings looked to each other, unsure if they should check, but they didn't have to. The fight came to them.

Valik rushed into the room and a strong Yiga tackled him down into one of the tables. The table splintered into several pieces. The siblings immediately rushed into action to save the young prince. Sidon helped Valik escape the strong Yiga's clutches and Mipha pointed her trident at the Yiga, her trident touching his nose.

"Where is Liana?" Mipha turned her head to Valik.

"She's fine! Just deal with this guy while I go find her!" Valik insisted.

"How many times do I gotta tell you?!" The strong Yiga fumed. "I am not just a 'guy'. I am Master Serdin, leader of the Yiga, descendant of Master Sooga!"

Mipha gasped, "Sooga is dead?"

"Yeah! Thanks to you stupid Hylia-loyalists! Now if you don't mind, I was about to kill that soldier over there!"

Mipha took a step closer to the leader and glared at him, "That soldier is my son. I'm not letting you get any closer to him."

"Fine, I'll let him live," Serdin sighed, "but for a price. How about if I let him live, you give me your life instead!"

Serdin disappeared and tried slicing Mipha from behind, but Sidon snatched the leader and threw him into more of the tables. "Get out of here, Valik!" Sidon urged. "Your mother and I got this!" Valik gave a firm nod and hurried out the north hallway entrance.

"My plan worked," Serdin grumbled as he tried standing up in the rubble he was in. "He brought me straight to you. I can hasten Lord Ganon's work."

"You mean the plan to kill off all the champions?" Sidon growled and stood slightly in front of his sister.

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