Chapter 56: Blind Love

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*30 years after Link's death*

Charlotte settled at the chairs around Tayli's table. The young Zora Princess set down a cup of tea for Charlotte and went to sit across from her. Charlotte gladly gulped down her royal tea. When she finished it, she rested her chin on her hands. "So, Tayli, what is this about?" She looked quizzically at the pile of papers lying in front of the princess.

Tayli handed one of the papers to Charlotte. "Well, I figured that you could help me plan for the Zora Gala. You were at the one last year, correct?"

"Oh, yes! I loved it!"

"I wanted to make it a bit more exciting this year. Although, I'm afraid I don't have many ideas. I figured that you could help me."

"Sounds fun! Let's see... Oh! How about at the beginning we start everything off! You know, like an introduction of what's to come! Everyone watches as us princesses whirl around our princes... I mean, I'm not exactly a princess yet, but still. Sidon is my prince, after all."

While Charlotte didn't notice, Tayli was doing her best to bite her tongue. Trying to keep her tone kind, she spoke, "That does sound fun, but I feel like we need ideas that can encompass everyone, regardless of their status or title."

"So no beginning royal dance?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Aw man! Hmmm, how about we get that fancy restaurant in Tarrey Town to cater to us! We'll have the best food!"

"That place is amazing, but if we're having them cater to thousands of people, the numbers add up real quick."

"Then how about it's just for us?"

"Again, we need something for everyone. Our people already know that we are royalty. We don't need to shove it into their faces."

"No, wait! I could sing! Give everyone a little concert!"

"Yes! Now that is a good idea!" Tayli began to write down a few notes.

"The seamstresses can create me a BEAUTIFUL dress. I could have them embroider golden beads all over it. I could sing atop the balcony as the orchestra plays in the background. Everyone will be absolutely stunned! We would need dancers for each song too. Then we need—"

Tayli looked up from her notes, and cut her off, "Woah, I-uh-I think that might be a little too much. Let's just keep it simple. You have plenty beautiful dresses of your own that will do you well. And I don't think the dancers will be necessary. After all, I'm sure a lot of people will be too busy dancing to your songs."

Charlotte pouted and folded her arms. "You're not making this fun."

"I'm sorry, but I have to be practical here. The Gala is in a month. We have to give these people time to prepare. For the seamstress, they would need to know the extravagant design, gather the materials, and actually put the outfit together. For whatever songs you choose, the orchestra needs time to prepare to make sure that it sounds perfect. For the dancers, we would have to pay every one of them and have them learn choreography and give them costumes. There's a lot more that goes into it."

"Listen, I don't want to sound rude, but if I'm going to sing, the people need a show. Especially from someone who is dating their people's elder prince! They need to know where I stand. I'm no commoner like them. I'm a celebrity!"

Tayli kept on a straight face and lowered her pen. She carefully rested her hands on one another and gave a slight sigh, "Okay, let's make a compromise. You sing your songs and get your dress, but you get nothing else. Deal?"

"No dancers?"

"No dancers."

"No confetti and streamers?"

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