Chapter 32: Glimmer

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Liana's hammer clinked against the metal plating. She squinted down at the intricate designs, making sure to not damage them. Klay almost held his breath as he watched her.

" for the other side..." Liana rolled the circular metal creation and began lightly tapping on it. As the last of the dents were fixed, she held the metal out in front of her and smiled. "This should do it! Here, put it on your arm."

She handed Klay the metal and he carefully set it on his right arm. It sat snug on his forearm, and he bent his arm every which way to make sure that he was comfortable in it. She leaned forward, "Well?"

"It's perfect," he slipped the metal off and handed it back to Liana. "Now you can put it on the armor, which should be basically finished, right?"

Liana hurried over to the mannequin and rolled it back over to the table. She began attaching the metal onto the right arm of the mannequin. "Almost! I just need to add one more thing after this."

"And what would that be?"

A small click was heard as the metal was now securely attached. Liana took a small moment to admire her work, and then she strolled over to her cabinet full of materials. She pulled out a small wooden bowl filled to the brim with some sort of sparkling dust, it exuded an array of beautiful colors, "See, many would consider the armor to be done, and it very well could be. But what's the harm in adding a bit of pizazz?"

"What's that?" Klay leaned slightly forward to see it better, but returned back to his normal sitting position as Liana carefully walked back to the Zora armor.

"These are gem shavings. I basically grated almost every single gem that we know of into glitter."

"Wow," he watched in awe as Liana sprinkled a smidge of the shavings atop the shoulders of the armor. "How did you get all that stuff?"

"I mean, we're a royal family, Klay," she sprinkled a pinch of the shavings above him and he slightly ducked as they fell upon him. "We've got the resources. But enough about that, look! It's done! Try it on!" She carefully lifted the armor off of the stand and daintily set it in his hands.

"Alright, here we go," Klay delicately put on the armor, already loving how versatile it felt. He ran his index finger along the smooth carvings on the metal and pinched slightly at the denim blue material, feeling how durable it was. Liana had a giddy smile on her face as she silently fanned over how handsome he looked in it.

"It looks like it fits. Try doing some battle moves or something!" She reached over for Klay's silver longsword that was leaning on her nightstand. She then set it in his hands and he began to thrust his sword to the side, slashing and swinging with some action-fighting moves like rolling and jumping. "So?"

Klay stopped his testing and looked side to side at his shoulders, admiring the finishing touches that Liana made, "I don't know how you did it. You somehow made it both fit for fighting and casual wear!"

"Oh, I'm so glad it works!" She twirled around with joy, some of the shavings in the bowl falling out of her hand. She slightly giggled at the small mess she made and set the bowl on the table. "And I'm sorry, but I have to tell you. You look so handsome in that, like, it's not even funny. It's a crime, honestly."

Klay warmly chuckled and puffed out his chest, "I know. It's tough looking this good. You won't rat me out to the government, will you?"

"Well, seeing how I'm the one who gets to be with such a criminally handsome man, I'm sure I can convince the authorities to let it slide."

He smiled and gently kissed her. When he pulled away, he rubbed his fingers along the pearl sash that drew across his left shoulder to his right hip, "Now that this is done, we can tell everyone."

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