Chapter 7: Phantom Thoughts

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Birds chirped in the afternoon sky. The wind rustled and whistled amongst the overgrown greenery of Gatepost Town ruins. Traveling along the lone paths of the ruined town was Mipha and Sidon.

"You really didn't have to come, Sidon," Mipha looked slightly up at him. "I can do this mission myself."

"Mipha, you've been doing so much just on your own," Sidon looked slightly down at her, "and this mission is a bit more rigorous than your previous ones."

"It's just fighting monsters on Satori Mountain."

"Yeah, a big infestation. The report literally mentioned elemental taluses, hinoxes, a few lynels, lots of moblins, a couple wizzrobes—"

"Okay, I get it," she slightly laughed. "There's a lot."

"Besides, I get to spend time with you! I feel like it's been forever since we've had some sibling time."

"It has," she tried to think back to the last time she spent time with just Sidon, and she couldn't even think of much. The closest one she could think of was when Sidon was still just a small kid many many years ago. "You've definitely grown a lot in all that time. How are you already taller than me?"

"I don't know," he chuckled. "You must've gotten mother's genes. She was pretty short, right?"

"A bit shorter than the natural height of a Zora. So I'm about her height I'd say. You definitely got father's genes though. I still remember how much he towered over mother. Oh, and you could basically fit in the palm of his hand when you were just born. At least I thought... it's been a while."

"I mean, if you think about it, I always could fit in the palm of his hand, even now."

"You're right," she slightly giggled. "And now that I think about it, I'm sure that I always could have too."

The two reached the base of the Great Plateau. The stairs that once led up to the memory-filled place was now collapsed and barricaded off. Mipha stopped walking and took a moment to stare up at the colossal cliff. That day of the revival came back to her clear as day. She clenched her hands together as she thought about Link. It has only been two years, yet it feels like it was only yesterday that he died, but at the same time it feels like he's been gone for a century.

Sidon rested his hand on her shoulder. He stared up at the cliff, also reminiscing about his courageous brother-in-law; his friend. "Should we visit him for a moment?"

Mipha looked up at Sidon then back up at the cliffside. Usually her family and friends would have been visiting him once every year; the day that he died. That day wouldn't be coming up until about several months from now, but she also was very eager to visit him again. Even though she knew that she probably shouldn't go without the rest of her friends and family, she wanted to at least stop by.

"Just for a little bit," she walked up closer to the cliffside and took out her trident. "Shall we?"

Sidon took out his two tridents and smiled, "Yes!"

The two Zoras swiveled upward, using their water power to create a geyser that shot them up as high as the plateau. The Zora princess spun herself downward to the plateau, landing softly on her feet. As Sidon reached the peak of his jump, he corkscrewed himself forward, creating a spiral of water around him. As he angled downward, he did a side flip, the water cushioning him back to the ground.

A proud smile showed on his face as he noticed Mipha's smirk, "Now what's that smile about?"

"You always have to outdo me, huh?" She giggled.

"Hey, I'm just using the gift I was given."

The two continued through the Temple of Time ruins, eventually coming upon the closed door to the Shrine of Resurrection. The once carefree attitude surrounding the two slowly diminished to a more reverent feel. Mipha stepped closer to the door as Sidon stayed back. She gently touched her hand onto the sleek carved door of Sheikah symbols. It was still unthinkable to her that her husband was in there—and who knows how long he will be. He could be back any day for all they knew, but he could also be gone for years and years. He could possibly outlive everyone he knows. That exact fact is what Mipha hated most of all. What if she does not live long enough to see him again? Who would be there for him?

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