Chapter 63: Love is Never Forgotten

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*100 years after Link's death*

Link stood in front of the Shrine of Resurrection, gazing out upon the lonesome night of Hyrule. He was alone. Aven and Alivia had agreed to move on several years prior. The three Champions still stayed trapped in their Divine Beasts. All of their descendants, who have died, have moved on. Now it was all back to square one. Just Link, Zelda, and Monk Maz Koshia.

Maz approached the Hero. "To the castle."

Link nodded and followed the monk across the overgrown plains of Hyrule Field. Ruins of old towns passed his view. It made him long to be alive, and soon he would.

Maz and Link entered the Sanctum of Hyrule Castle. They could see the menacing egg that Zelda had trapped her and Ganon in. They all knew that the conversation that would ensue would be brief. Zelda needed to focus all of her attention on Ganon.

"By tomorrow afternoon, Link's body will be fully healed," Maz informed. "Link I want to remind you that your memories will suffer because of the amount of time that you have been dormant."

"But I won't forget everything, will I?" Zelda inquired.

"Correct. You did not die like Link. However, the exhaustion of your power will surely take a toll on not only your body, but your mind. Do not be discouraged to find yourself forgetting."


Link looked down in disappointment. He wanted nothing more than to remember all that he had witnessed. The events of his friends passing. His children marrying. The accomplishments—big and small. The little moments of joy that he would give to his family. He wanted it all. Now he would not know any of it. He would think he was alone. He would have no idea what to do and where to go. He wouldn't know who he was.

"Mipha will become your guide," Maz continued. "However, you must get to her first. Zelda will lead you to her."

"You can do that?" Link asked Zelda.

"Yes," she said. "But of course I won't hold your hand the entire way. I must prioritize all my energy and focus on keeping Calamity Ganon contained."

"Is everything clear?" Maz asked. Zelda simply said nothing while Link nodded his head. "Good. Now Link, we must distract Zelda no longer."

In an instant, Link and Maz were teleported back to the Shrine of Resurrection. Link peered over his body. Now all that was left to heal was a single scratch on his cheek. He almost couldn't believe that he would finally return to his body. After all these years of patiently waiting, he could finally finish what he was set out to do. And now, he could finally be with his family—physically.

Even though he knew he would see Mipha again soon, Link wanted to see her one last time before he was no longer a spirit. He wanted to give her one last spark of hope, one last moment in a fantasy world.

Mipha peacefully rested in her pool. Her mind was quiet and content. Link placed his hand under her chin. With a single deep breath, he transported the both of them to a dream world. She no longer rested in her pool, but now rested in his arms. Mipha slowly opened her eyes and smiled when she saw his face.

"Hello again," she giggled and stepped back from his hold. "It's been quite a while since you've pulled me into a dream in the middle of the night. Usually it's right before I go to bed."

This is a special occasion.

"What for?"

Link softly kissed her and gently touched the ring on her finger. He gazed down at his own ring, and his smile only grew more soft.

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