Chapter 51: The Princess of Hyrule

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*19 years after Link's death*

Snow lightly trickled down, the clouds covering the night sky. A two-story cabin rested near Shada Naw Shrine, overlooking Coldsnap Hollow. Smoke whirled away from the cabin's chimney, and light flickered through the window panes. The Hylian Royal family, except Aven, who decided to stay at Kakariko, were gathered in their living room. They sat near their fireplace, all of them warm and cozy.

Anya happily looked down at her new little brother. He rested peacefully in her arms. She gently rocked herself back and forth in the rocking chair. Alivia was sat on the couch, a loving gaze set at her daughter. Gyan was sat down next to his wife, and he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"How are you feeling?" He asked in a low voice, wrapping his arm around her.

"I'm doing fine, dear." Alivia rested her head on his shoulder, her eyes still focused on her daughter.

The baby prince began to stir in his sister's arms. A quiet wail sounded from his mouth, and Anya looked up to her mother. "I think he's hungry."

"Yes, it has been a couple hours." she stood up and took the small child into her arms. "You're okay, Oran. I'll feed you."

Alivia went into the guest bedroom and closed the door. Anya pounced up from the rocking chair and plopped down next to her father. "I still can't believe that he was born last week!"

"Neither can I," Gyan wrapped his arm around his daughter. "He's lucky to have such a great sister like you."

"I can't wait for when he's older! Although, my friends do say how annoying siblings can get."

"There'll be good and bad days. Once you both are adults, I think that you'll have a much different outlook. Take Valik and Liana for example. They had plenty of their own fights with each other, but now they are basically best friends!"

Oran let out a loud cry from the guest room, and Anya and Gyan both laughed. She gave a small shrug. "I guess these first few years are gonna be a bit tricky, huh?"

"A little bit," he rustled her hair and stood up. "Alright, I'll start making dinner. You help your mother either anything she needs."

"Aye, aye, captain!"

Gyan gave a stiff salute before goofily marching out of the room towards the kitchen. Anya rested her hands on her chin and waited for what felt like ten minutes. Eventually, her mother walked out of the guest room, Oran peacefully sleeping on her shoulder. She set him in the small crib near the coffee table.

"Would you watch on him, Anya? I need to throw a few things into the laundry." Alivia was already walking up the stairs.

"Yeah!" Anya chimed. "I got everything under control!"

As her mother hurried up the stairs, Anya slumped in her place. She listened to her little brother quietly snore and imagined what he would be like as he got older. Would he be annoying like her friend's little brother? Would he be quiet and kind? Would he find himself in trouble quite often? Would he have a hard time in school? What about fighting? What weapons would he yield? What would his interests be?

Gyan peeked into the room. "Anya, are you in the mood for soup?"

"Yeah! Could you make that veggie cream soup?" The young princess tilted her head.

"You bet! It'll be even more satisfying thanks to this cold weather!" Her father slipped back into the kitchen and her mother soon hopped back down the stairs.

Alivia sat down next to her daughter. "So, how have you been liking this vacation so far?"

"I love it! Who knew that the Hebra region could be so fun! I think that shield surfing has been the most fun so far! It was really funny when dad fell and rolled all the way down the hill."

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