Chapter 4: Rapids in the Stream

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Tayli watched her class of little Zora children play in the water of Veiled Falls. She was their swimming instructor, and she always met up with them twice every week. She liked her job a lot. Not only does it allow her time to perfect the basics, but it also allows her to have fun, which was something that she always found hard to do since the revival.

"Alright kids!" She announced. "Let's get in a single-file line! We're going to practice climbing up waterfalls!"

The children cheered and scrambled to get in line. Some pushed and shoved each other to get to the front of the line, but they all quickly resolved their disputes. Tayli looked down at the first kid in line and smiled kindly. She knew that this kid was pretty shy and never really had much confidence. Tayli has made it a goal to help her feel more confident each practice.

"Alright, Marri," she kneeled down. "Do you still want me to climb up with you?" Marri looked behind her at her peers then looked back at Tayli shyly. She simply shook her head and Tayli gave her an encouraging smile. "Alright! You got this!"

Marri ran into the water then carefully swam closer to the waterfall. She stared up at the fall, every second growing more intimidating. Although, the little Zora pushed through the hesitation. She burst upwards and kicked and swam as hard as she could. It was a slow climb, but she eventually made it about halfway up the waterfall. Tayli was ecstatic, since for a good while Marri could only make it up about a fourth of the way. As Tayli watched her student with glee, Marri reached a little past halfway, but the force of the water was just too much for her, and she dropped all the way back down. Many of the other students snickered as Marri timidly swam back to shore. Tayli glared at the students snickering, which immediately made them stop. She then met Marri halfway and kneeled down.

"That was so good, Marri!" Tayli exclaimed. "You got a bit over halfway!"

"But I didn't make it all the way up," Marri mumbled, clearly trying to hold back tears.

Tayli glanced back at her other students then looked back down at Marri, "Ignore them. We all have to start somewhere. Some get it fast, others slow. What's important is that we improve, and every practice I see you, you're improving so much!"

"Really?" Her eyes grew big and hopeful.

"Yes! You surprise me each time! We'll have another go later, okay?"

"Okay!" Marri gave a big smile and scurried off to the back of the line.

"Alright, Porter," Tayli turned around. "You're up next—" All of a sudden, all the children cheered, squealed, and waved. Tayli slightly chuckled, "What are you all on about?"

"It's Valik!" One of the girl's pointed upwards. Tayli followed the pointing to see Valik at the top of Veiled Falls. The prince smiled and waved.

"What are you doing here?" Tayli chuckled out.

"What?" He yelled.

"What are you doing here?!" She cupped her hands around her mouth.

"Huh?!" He stuck his hand behind his ear and leaned down. "Sorry I can't hear you, what did you say?!"

Tayli jokingly rolled her eyes and the students all laughed at the interaction, "Come down here!!"

Without hesitation, Valik hopped down, skimming against the waterfall. As he reached about three quarters of the way, he flipped forward and dove down into the water. All the students cheered and clapped as he rose up from the depths and swam to shore.

"So," Valik sighed and stood next to Tayli, leaning his ear close to her, "what did you want to tell me?"

Tayli pointed to Valik's ear and looked at the children. She mouthed 'should I' and all the children giggled and nodded. With this permission, Tayli happily leaned closer, and yelled as loud as she could, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!"

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