Chapter 41: Aftershocks~Success

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*12 years after Link's death*

Monsters and guardians overwhelmed every village, town, and city. The sky pulsated pink and purple. Malice particles rained through the air. The three Champions protected their homes and those surrounding with their Divine Beasts. Kahliv protected the areas surrounding the village with Vah Medoh as well; although, he never communicated with the other three Champions.

Tayli, Liana, and Dorephan stayed firm at the Domain. All of them fought against the oncoming enemies. Klay helped fend off the enemies near Tarrey Town while Sidon helped the Hylian army at Akkala Citadel. Aven, though worried sick for his daughter, helped to protect Karkariko Village and keep his granddaughter safe. Everyone was essentially stalling for Valik, Gyan, and Alivia. The three were rushing as fast as they could to the Sacred Ground Ruins. Their anxiety was heightened as they had gotten word that the Gerudo were being overwhelmed. They didn't want to lose Urbosa. They were not going to let Ganon win again.

Gyan made it to the ruins first and pointed to the center, "Right here, Alivia! Quickly!"

Alivia hurried to his side and Valik came after. The Hylian Princess panted heavily and held her right hand up toward the malice-ridden castle. Her eyes shined a bright pale yellow, and her power began to surround her. The triforce appeared on the back of her hand, and it shot out rays of light in every direction before coming together and creating a gigantic laser that hit the sanctum directly. She winced as she felt herself grow weak, but Valik and Gyan's words of encouragement kept her going. Soon the laser spread into a forcefield that encased all of the castle, and Valik and Gyan could only look in awe at the immense power.

Alivia groaned and dropped her hand to her side and fell to her knees. Valik and Gyan kneeled at her side, and the three looked as the castle seemed to absorb the light. Soon, a powerful beacon of light flashed from the sanctum. It rose up into the skies, and it turned the sky from the malice purple, to a pale yellow, then to a clear blue sky. The malice particles slowly diminished, and monsters began to either disappear into dust or fall dormant.

"You did it!" Gyan wrapped his arms around his wife and placed several kisses along her cheeks.

"Gyan! Not in front of Valik!" Alivia blushed and Valik could only laugh.

Gyan placed one more kiss on her lips and chuckled at her remark, "Hey, you just saved Hyrule. Let me praise you for that."

Alivia giggled, but then she looked towards the Great Plateau, her expression now solemn, "I hope Urbosa is okay."

"I'm sure she is," Valik shrugged. "She might be old now, but she still doesn't let up. She could fight a great soldier in their prime and she'd still win."

"Do you think Ganon will try to go for Daruk next then?" Gyan rubbed up and down Alivia's arm.

"Maybe," Alivia hummed and rested her head on his shoulder. "But he doesn't let up easily either. I mean, none of the Champions are easy to beat. Revali could have kept fighting, but he basically sacrificed himself. I personally could see Ganon going for Mipha next. She seems to be a big road block for him."

Valik groaned at the thought, and he looked back at the Great Plateau. He stared at it intently, silently hoping that his father may have returned. Yet he knew his father was not back. He wasn't sure how he knew, but he just had always believed that it would be a long time before he would see his father again.

"Well, should we get back home then?" Valik turned back to his friends. They both nodded, and he took his slate out so that he could transport the two back to Kakariko. "How's Aven doing anyway? I feel like it's been a while since I've seen him."

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