Chapter 60: Desparation

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*49 years after Link's death*

Tayli adjusted the position of a tall vase, and Mipha approached her. The dark blue Zora smiled at her mother in law. "I'm so excited!" she exclaimed.

"So am I! Valik will love this," Mipha remarked, gazing around at all the birthday decorations.

Liana rushed into the throne room, gasping for air. "He's coming!"

Klay stumbled in with a tower of presents in his arms. "Liana, slow down! We've still got a good hour before they're here."

Mipha took some of Klay's load, and the two of them took the presents to a separate table. Liana shrugged and hummed. "You never know with him. He's also with Sidon, which makes their arrival even more unpredictable. They could be here right now or—"

"We just got word that Prince Valik and Prince Sidon are approaching the bridge!" A guard announced.

"Told you!" Liana gave a wide grin.

Dorephan chuckled as he watched his family take care of the final touch-ups. As soon as they could see Valik and Sidon enter the plaza, the family snuck into their hiding spots.

Sidon patted Valik on the shoulder. "Told you we'd get here bright and early," he said. "Now you have the whole day to enjoy yourself!"

"Thanks!" Valik nodded. "Can't believe it's already been another year."

"Hey, we should go see my father. I'm sure he'd want to wish you a happy birthday."

The two princes traveled up the staircases to the throne room. Valik gave a slight chuckle and shook his head when he entered. Garlands hung on the ceiling. Streamers and balloons rained down from above. A table stood on the pedestal, and it displayed a two-tiered chocolate cake. To the right of the room there was a long table with presents gathered atop it.

"Happy birthday, Valik!" Dorephan cheered. "I cannot believe my grandson is already sixty-six!"

"And you haven't aged a day since fifty!" Tayli jumped behind Valik and wrapped her arms around him. Right as he stumbled forward, everyone else emerged from their hiding spots.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they all cheered.

"Aw, you guys," Valik laughed, and he gave each of them a hug. "You really didn't have to go all out."

"You deserve it," Mipha insisted. "You've been working so hard. You even just came back from a mission for crying out loud!"

"Just doing my job." He shrugged and shifted over to the cake. "Is this dad's recipe?!"

"You bet!" Liana chimed. "Made it myself."

Valik swiped some of the frosting with his finger and licked it. He hummed, "The taste is spot on! My only critique is that it is decorated too nicely."

Everyone laughed at the thought, and Link couldn't help but laugh with them. He was never the greatest artist, especially when it came to decorating desserts. Whenever he made a cake, he would always have Mipha do the decorating—at least when she was available to do so. There were plenty of times when he was left to his own devices, and needless to say, those birthday cakes were the most disappointing parts to little Valik and Liana's birthdays. Although as time passed, it became a wanted tradition. More so now because of his absence.

"Sorry! I got too invested! I blame mom!" Liana pointed at her.

"Maybe I got a bit carried away," Mipha laughed. "Next time we will have Klay and Sidon make it."

"Oookaaay!" Klay took a step back and chuckled.

"I mean, you're not wrong," Sidon laughed.


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