Chapter 46: Curse the Sealer

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Cursing the Sealer,
Such a big feat.
Though all things are possible
With his power so sweet.

An orb of his,
A chosen vessel,
Must work as one,
For him to revel.

Cite the incantation—
Cite it thrice:
Esimed reh sehcaer ehs litnu,
Retlaf rewop reh yam!

It powers the orb.
It gives it strength.
Now ye must recite another
To greater its length:

Lord Ganon—em nehtgnerts!
Lessev ruoy ma I!
Tsal esruc siht llahs,
Reverof tsal ti llahs!

He writhes within thee, Vessel.
Now all that must be done
Is to quarrel the Sealing One.

As she aims to hold thee down,
Ye recite one last phrase:
Enim otni stlem efil yht, peels ey sa.

"Did Rhoam know about this?" Aven looked to Mipha with concern.

"I don't know," Mipha sighed. "Maybe he was studying the history of Hyrule. Or maybe he was trying to find a way to end the cycle."

"Alivia, does it say anything about breaking the curse?"

"It doesn't seem like it," Alivia sighed and squinted down at the book. "It's so dark in here! Let me just..." she spread her palm out, using her power like a lamp. Her eyes went wide when gold lettering seemed to write itself onto the page. Mipha and Aven both gasped at the sight.

Healing the Sealer,
Such a big feat.
Though all things are possible
With her power so sweet.

A descendant of her,
A chosen vessel,
Must counter the curse
And free the former.

Cite the incantation—
Cite it thrice:
Her demise shall not be so.
May her power ever grow!

It powers her soul,
It gives her strength,
Now ye must recite another
To strengthen thine own:

Goddess Hylia—strengthen me!
I am your vessel!
Shall this curse end,
Shall it break hold of her forever!

She shines within thee, Vessel.
Now all that must be done
Is to quarrel the Evil One.

As he aims to weaken her once more
Ye recite one last phrase:
As ye sleep, thy life shall melt from her!

"OH MY GOSH!" Alivia jumped out of the chair and hugged her father. "WE CAN SAVE MOTHER! WE CAN SAVE HER! WE CAN SAVE HER!"

Aven clung onto his daughter and kissed her head, "We will, my little bird. We have all we need."

Alivia gave Mipha a big hug, and while the Zora Princess was just as happy, she couldn't help but feel disappointed. Aven noticed Mipha's dismal expression, and he realized quickly why she must have felt so. He turned back to the book and flipped through all the pages of curses, yet he could not find a single thing regarding the Shrine of Resurrection.

"I'm sorry, Mipha," he looked to her, and she shuddered out a breath.

"It's alright. I'm just glad that we can do something to help Zelda," Mipha looked above herself, her heart beginning to feel cold. "We'll study it more later. For now, let's return to our homes."

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