Chapter 42: Just Like Old Times

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Kodah skipped along the edge of one of the cliffs of Ulria Grotto. On one of her skips, her foot slid off the edge, but Rivan caught her and pulled her back. She let out a relieved sigh, and Gaddison, Bazz, and Mipha both snickered.

"You're just as clumsy as ever," Rivan slumped.

"Well you're..." Kodah stopped for a moment to think of a comeback. "Well you're still...uh..."

"Yeah, that's what I thought," he laughed and turned to the other three. "Anyway, I'm really glad that we get to hang out again! I feel like it's been forever."

"It has!" Gaddison exclaimed. "You know, I've always wanted us to get together again, but I didn't know how to go about it. All of us are just so busy."

"I was hesitant on asking all of you for that exact reason," Mipha shyly chuckled.

Bazz shifted his weight to one side, "I don't think any of us would miss out on a chance to hang out again."

"And girl, don't be afraid to bother us!" Kodah hopped in front of Mipha and leaned towards her. "You're our friend! We're always here if you need anything!"

"Exactly!" Gaddison set her arm on Kodah's shoulder. "I mean, we come to you and complain about our lives. If you need someone to complain to, we got you!" Mipha giggled and nodded her head at their remarks.

"Hey, you know what we should do?" Rivan looked to Bazz and he smiled, knowing exactly what Rivan was going to say. "We should play Dive Bomb!"

"Yes!" Bazz jumped. "Please, Mipha? It's been so long!"

"Oh, I don't know. My father wouldn't—" Mipha covered her mouth, realizing what she was about to say. When her and her friends were children, they would always love to play a game called Dive Bomb. In this game, Mipha would use her water abilities to prevent her friends—the bombs—from diving into the water. If they did make it into the water, they would try to steal her trident away as it had 'all power'. It was a game that they all used to enjoy. Although, one day her father found out about it, and he was quite furious that they were playing such a risky game at a young age.

"But now it doesn't matter!" Kodah laughed. "You are your own person now! You are a full grown princess who can follow her own rules! Come on, Mipha! Pleeeaassseee?!"

Mipha let her arms fall to her side. She was still unsure, especially since it was a child's game. They were adults now. It would seem immature. Still, a child-like smile appeared on her face, and she felt a cold voice inside her telling her to do it. So, she ran in front of the group, "What are we waiting here for? Let's go!"


"NO!" Bazz flew up high into the air and flopped down onto the bridge connecting Davdi Island to Knuckel Island. Gaddison pointed and laughed at him. Bazz glared at her, "I was so close! You stop laughing!"

"WOOO!" Kodah dove down from the bridge, her smile wide as her and Mipha made eye contact.

"Oh no you don't!" Mipha rose her trident into the air, and a water tornado spun Kodah and flung her back to the bridge. Just as Bazz stood up, Kodah fell on top of him.

Gaddison wiped away tears of joy, and Rivan glanced at her and smiled, "You think this is funny? Then why don't you join them!" He pushed her off the edge, and she was almost immediately pushed back into the air. Rivan's expression fell as Gaddison landed and stumbled into him, making him fall off the bridge.

Mipha laughed and rose up in her own water tornado. She caught Rivan in it and shot him all the way back up to the bridge, "Bye, Rivan!"

Rivan laughed as he landed back on the bridge, "This is so fun! Although, we've never won against Mipha before. We should change that!"

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