Chapter 8: Ancient Creations

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Aven carefully scooped some scrambled eggs onto a cream-white plate. He then scooted that plate over a bit for an identical empty plate, pouring the last of the eggs onto it.

"Alivia, breakfast is ready!" He called, carrying the plates over to the rectangular, spruce dining table.

"Coming!" Alivia yelled from upstairs.

Aven set the plates down on either side of the table and walked back over to one of the kitchen drawers. He opened it up and grabbed two forks. "The early bird gets the worm! Get it while it's hot!" He set a fork on each plate then sat down to eat the food on his own plate.

Alivia rushed down the stairs, all decked out in her research clothes, almost the exact same design as her mothers, except a more cornflower blue. Aven did a double take upon seeing the clothes that his daughter was wearing. She really did resemble her mother.

"Now what's all that for?" He gestured to the clothes she was wearing.

"Oh this?" She looking down at her clothes as she sat down to eat her breakfast. "Purah and Robbie are coming to give some research classes. I figured I might as well join. We'll be researching ancient tech, traveling here and there—"

"Now hold on. Traveling?"

"Father, it's going to be fine! We aren't going far. We'll visit Fort Hateno, Lanayru Promenade, and Crenel Hills. It'll only be a week."

"And you're telling me this now?"

"Hey, I can do this if I want. I'm technically an adult now."

"Alivia, I'm not too sure about this. The Yiga are everywhere these days! Monsters are still in every nook and cranny! You're a prime target for all that is evil! I just can't bear the thought of you traveling out there when the world is still so... dangerous."

Alivia sighed and pouted, "Father, ever since we finished Tarrey Town, you decided to have us stay in Kakariko Village and never leave. At least, you've never allowed me to leave. I respected your wishes because I understood the reasons. However, I am fully capable now. You've got to trust me."

"Alivia I can't lose you. Purah and Robbie are not exactly trustworthy people! They get themselves into loads of trouble!"

"And that's what being a researcher is all about. You should know. You are married to one."

"Your mother scared me plenty too," He slightly shook his head at the thought of Zelda.

"I'll be back home safely, father. Trust me, please."

"I..." his thoughts began to revolve around Zelda. How would she handle this situation? Surely she would disagree with it all, but that was just wishful thinking. Zelda would condone this 100 percent, and she would even gladly join Alivia on her journey. "I guess you can go..."

"Yes! Thank you, father!" She quickly scarfed down her food then hurried back up the stairs. In seconds she ran back down with her bag and sword. "I'll be sure to tell you all about it when I get back home! Oh and I'll find some souvenirs if I can! Bye, love you!"

Alivia rushed out the door and Aven stumbled after her, but stopped once he made it to the door. He watched as she ran down the hill to Impa's house where many other young souls were gathering. He silently prayed to himself that she would make it home safely. "Bye, Alivia! I love you!"


"Alrighty!" Purah jumped. "Go on with your groups and survey these decayed guardians! Note everything that you find!"

Alivia kneeled next to one of the moss covered guardians. She wrote a couple words in her notebook, looked up at the wall of Fort Hateno, then began jotting down more notes. Beside her was a timid young Sheikah boy, just barely 18. He adjusted his circular glasses and swept his silver white hair away from his face. As he nervously wrote in his book, he glanced back and forth from the guardian to Alivia. His handwriting only grew more and more messy as his gaze focused more on Alivia.

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