Chapter 55: So This is Love

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As the moon began to rise, the party entered back into Hateno. The soldiers were more than happy that the trip had finally come to a close. Mipha was glad as well since she would be able to return to her children. Although, she did understand that this meant saying goodbye to a new friend. Charlotte and Sidon had grown close, and while they never confessed their feelings to each other, Mipha could see how much they cared for one another. She knew that this would be hard for her brother.

Mipha took a step toward her fellow soldiers. "All of you must come with me to the lab. We will inform Purah of our findings. Sidon, make sure that Charlotte returns home safely."

Sidon gave her a small smile and nodded. As Mipha and the others left, he looked down at the melancholic Hylian. "Let me walk you home."

Charlotte gave a small nod and led the way. She went across the bridge then up the hill to the left. It branched into pathways leading to houses and other stores. She led him north all the way to where the lines of small houses ended. Her house rested to the left. It was a cottage-like home, small and cozy.

"This is where I live." She shyly smiled. "I know it's not much..."

"I love it. It's welcoming," Sidon said, admiring the simple straw roof and the stressed wood.

"Uh, do you want to come in? If you have time, that is..."

"I'd love to. I'll be able to fit in there though, right?"

"I'm sure," she lightly laughed and placed her hand on the knob. "I mean, you'll definitely have to duck your way in, but otherwise you should be fine."

Charlotte twisted the knob and opened the door. Her heart immediately dropped, and her hands slapped to her face. Sidon was just as surprised. The entire inside of her house was trashed. Furniture was torn apart, wallpaper was shredded to pieces, glass was shattered on the ground, paint was smeared on the walls. It was like a tornado ran through the room.

"Oh my goodness!" She hurried inside and rushed through every room. Her living room, her kitchen, her dining, her office, everything upstairs, it was all ruined. "Who did this?!"

Sidon ducked his head as he walked in. He was just as mortified as her. Although, he had a pretty good idea of who would have done such a thing. It made him furious.

"AUGH! Sidon!" She rushed down the stairs, clearly trying to hold back tears. "My safe—my money—they took everything! I can't even find my keys to it! I don't get it. The front door looks completely fine! How..."

Sidon searched through the rooms and eventually found the back door in the kitchen. It was beaten down, and Charlotte was too frazzled to even realize it. "Someone came in through the back," Sidon scowled. "Looks like they might have used a crowbar. Hm, where was your safe located?"

She sighed, "I hide it under the floorboards upstairs. No one knows about it except me! I don't know how they found it!"

"Are you sure that there isn't one other person?" He gave her a knowing look, and her sadness soon turned to anger.

"I'M GOING TO KILL THAT MAN! Augh, what do I do? I don't have any money left in my wallet. My safe is completely empty. My house is a wreck."

Sidon pulled out his tridents, which immediately made Charlotte go silent. "Where does your ex live?"

"In one of the new model homes just behind the general store..."

"Let's go." Sidon hurried out through the back, and Charlotte tried to follow.

"Sidon, what are you doing?"

"Teaching your ex a lesson!"

The two were quick to make it across the village, and Sidon banged on the farthest left model home, the one that Charlotte directed him towards. There was no answer. Sidon banged again, still nothing.

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