Chapter 34: Good Sickness

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*10 years after Link's death*

Valik grunted as he lowered a heavy barrel into the cart. The old Hylian cabbage merchant nodded his head with approval. The prince shook the merchant's hand and smiled brightly, "Anything else I can do for you, sir?"

"No, you've done plenty," the merchant patted Valik's hand. "My cabbages will make it safely to Kakariko, thanks to you."

"It's no problem, really! I hope you have safe travels!"

"Thank you! I hope to return one day!"

The merchant hobbled over to his donkey, preparing to travel across the Great Zora Bridge. Valik gave a small wave and turned around to the rest of the Domain. He inhaled a deep, satisfied breath as he watched everyone doing their daily errands. The children ran around and played. Birds, frogs, and crabs were gathered and scattered throughout the lively place.

"Done already?" Sidon walked up to Valik's side.

"Yep!" Valik set his hands on his hips. "I'm done with everything on my list! Do you need me to help anywhere else?"

"There is one thing," the elder prince had a smirk on his face. Valik motioned him to go on. "Why don't you go help Tayli with her class? I'm sure she'd appreciate it."

"That's it?"

"That's it! After that, you're all done for the day!"

"Okay," Valik shrugged and took a step toward the left staircase. "Is everything fine?"

"Yes. Just help her out—and that's an order," Sidon lightheartedly waved and walked off.

Valik only felt more confused as he made his way over to Veiled Falls. He has never needed to help Tayli teach a class before. He wasn't sure if he should be worried or not, but Sidon made it seem like everything was fine. It did seem like he was hiding something, however. Surely if there was some sort of secret, it was not anything too bad.

Valik smiled as he saw the Zora children playing and laughing in the water. Tayli playfully splashed a kid, and she got splashed back. As Valik neared closer, Tayli perked her head, "Valik, you're done working already?"

"Technically," he shrugged. "Sidon told me to come here and help you out."

She stood up, a puzzled look on her face, "He did? I didn't ask him to do that."

"Welp, I'm here now. So, what do I do?"

"Well, you're just in time to watch these little kids climb up waterfalls for the first time. You can help me demonstrate," she brushed against his shoulder as she walked into the shallow water. "Alright everyone! Gather round! Let's learn how to climb up waterfalls!" The kids all stumbled over each other and gathered in front of Valik. "We have a special guest here today: the one and only Prince Valik!" Valik smiled wide as the kids turned towards him and waved energetically. "Valik, would you please give us a quick demonstration?"

"I'd love to!" Valik squeezed through the group of children and swam into the water. He reached the base of the waterfall and forcefully pushed himself up. He rushed up the entire fall in only five seconds, and when he rose out of the waterfall, he did a flip and landed gracefully atop it. All of the kids were in awe, and they cheered and squealed.

"With enough time and practice, all of you will be able to reach such a magnificent feat!" Tayli gestured to her husband. "Now, before we can achieve all of that, we must break it all down into steps. We will begin with the form. Valik, come on down!"

The Zora prince skidded down the first part of the waterfall, followed by a perfect dive into the water. He rose up from the depths and was met with the sight of Tayli swimming over to him. She treaded slightly behind him, and he glanced back at her.

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