Chapter 36: Heat of the Moment

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The new group of soldiers stayed at attention at Ploymus Mountain. Klay held his hands behind his back and paced around the the new group of soldiers that Valik was supposed to train.

"As you all know, the circumstances we have found ourselves in this past week is tough," he explained. "I remind you that no matter what it may be, a Zora guard never backs down! We fight for our citizens, for our royalty, for our livelihood! We fight to the very end, even when it seems futile! Every injury gained from your experience here is no sign of weakness! It is a sign of perseverance and love for your kingdom, your land, your people! Along with this idea is that we leave no soldier behind! Every life here is precious and meaningful! Do I make myself clear?!"

"SIR, YES, SIR!" They all stomped their feet.

"Now get in groups of two! Practice your hand-to-hand combat! And do not hold back! Help each other learn! Got?!"


The new soldiers began jumbling together and getting their groups all figured out. Liana came up to her husband's side, and he relaxed his authoritative form and softly smiled. She gave him a small one back, trying to hide the sadness in her eyes.

"Have Latch and the others said anything yet?" Her hands clung to her chest.

"Nothing," he shook his head. "It worries me, honestly. I hope they're okay."

"I just worry. What if the Yiga try to attack early? Will we be prepared?"

"I hope we will be."

The young princess let out a sigh, "I feel awful. All of this is my fault."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm the reason why Serdin is doing all of this. I was the one who killed Nadri. Tayli shouldn't have to be experiencing this."

"You couldn't have known that this would happen. You did the right thing killing Nadri. For one it saved me from staying trapped there. She was also Serdin's only child. He doesn't have another heir to take his place now. This is all Serdin's fault for even enacting such horror on us."

"It's just...Valik is so mad at me. I know that he's just really angry with this whole situation. I tried not to let it get to me, but it's hard. I feel so guilty."

Klay's eyes grew worried as Liana's guilty expression persisted, "What did he say to you?"

"Well, I wanted to check up on them, and he just blew up. I haven't seen him that angry at me in a long time. He wanted me to get away from Tayli and told me so many rude things. He told me how terrible of a sister I was. How stupid I was. How weak and inconsiderate I was. H-He told me how my dad would be disappointed in me..."

"And you just let him say all that?" Anger began to fuel him. "I'm not letting him treat you this way! I need to talk to him right now!"

He went to take a step, but Liana pushed him back, "No, no, no, no! Please don't talk to him! He's just really angry right now. Let him cool off!"

"Well let me ask you this, did Tayli stand up for you?"


"Then I'm going to talk to them."

"Seriously, Klay, don't!"

The angered prince began to walk around the practicing troops. Liana followed after him, trying to hold him back. As he reached the slope leading down the mountainside, Mipha was walking up it. She was quite surprised to see how troubled the two look.

"I came to check on things. Is everything alright?" She looked between the two.

"Can you watch these troops for me? I need to do something," Klay explained.

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