Chapter 37: Enchanting Tension

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Tayli was sat on the leafy bed, listening to the soft sounds of the morning. She found it all exciting in a way. She had never been in Korok Forest before, and now she will be able to spend several weeks here. A small Korok with a red maple leaf on its face waddled up to her. It held a small cup of warm armoranth tea.

"For you, Mrs.Tayli!" The Korok chimed.

"Aw, thank you!" Tayli carefully grabbed the cup and took a small sip. It was warm and soothing. "This is delicious!"

"Thank you! I made it myself!"

Valik ducked so that he could enter into the small, trunk-like home. He smiled as he made his way over to her, "How was your first night? Think this place will be fine?"

"I think so," Tayli scooted over so that Valik could sit next to her. The little Korok hurried off to make Valik his own cup of tea. "I mean, we're guarded by a mystical forest, it's comfortable, it feels safe."

"Good. So that means we just have to stay here until the attack on the Domain is settled."

"And that attack won't happen for another two weeks, right?"

Valik nodded his head and held his hand out for the little Korok. It handed Valik the cup of tea and he happily took a sip. He gave the Korok a thumbs up, and it cheered and danced by his approval.

"Koroks are so adorable," Tayli rested her chin on her hand. "They'll make our stay here much more bearable. I hope our people will be safe."

"I trust that the others will keep the Domain in line."

"You told them to evacuate the children when the time nears, right?"

"I did. We can't risk Serdin taking out his anger on other innocent families."

A small silence fell between the two, and Tayli danced her eyes around the room out of boredom, "How about we take a walk?"


Korok children ran about the roots of the Deku Tree. Some Koroks slept near little streams, others flew around with their leaf propellers. Some were with Hestu, dancing and singing. Valik and Tayli had walked around the great tree several times, taking a few breaks here and there.

Valik hopped onto one of the Deku's roots and walked on it. Tayli simply followed along in the grass, "You know, if we stay here long enough, I just might have the baby here."

"What do we do if that does happen?" Valik held his arms out for balance before jumping back down to his wife's side. "Because I'm sorry, but I'm not going to deliver the baby for you. I don't even know the first thing about delivering babies."

"I guess we could see if the Koroks know, but I honestly wouldn't feel too comfortable about that. Do they even know Zora anatomy?"

Valik made a face at the thought, "Either we get a nurse or we pray to Hylia that you don't have your baby here."

"You never know, Valik. You might have to start studying."

"No! Please don't do this to me, Tay!"

She giggled and placed her hand on her belly, "Hey, it's up to this kid. I don't have a choice in the matter." He only rolled his eyes and held her hand in his. "Now that I think about it, you'd be a good doctor if you weren't a soldier. You can stomach looking at some gross stuff."

"Yes, I have been pretty much desensitized to seeing gruesome stuff. However, to me it is one thing looking and another actually working with and touching that stuff. Like being a surgeon? I would absolutely vomit on the spot. I'm not touching all those squishy organs! And don't even get me started on the smell! I can't stomach smells that well."

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