Chapter 50: Let Them In

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Two months ago Urbosa left the world of Hyrule. Her funeral happened only a week after her death. It was a painful time for all. Now, everyone was just starting to return back to life as normal. Although, Mipha was still stuck. She tried not show it, and she was succeeding. Everyone figured that she was going about as normal, but in reality she was struggling every night. She reverted back to her old habits of overworking herself. She never got much sleep, afraid that she would dream of her long lost friend.

Soldiers stood at attention on Ploymus Mountain. Sidon handed out a clipboard with a pen to the end solider in the first row. The soldier studied the papers on the clipboard, signed a certain mission on it, then handed it to the person to the right of them. Everyone signed up on their missions while Sidon gave instructions for their training session. Mipha stood by Sidon's side, watching as the clipboard got passed around. When it eventually neared the end, Sidon retrieved it and wandered to the front of the training soldiers. He began to read through the papers, but stopped when Mipha neared closer to him.

"May I see it?" She held her hands out for it, and he shrugged and gave it to her. As he stepped away to observe the soldiers, Mipha eagerly read through each page. She tried looking for any empty space for a mission, and her anxiety heightened as each position seemed to be filled. Immediately she hurried to her brother's side, "Sidon, are there no other missions to be done?"

"Whatever is on the papers is what we got," he set his hands on his hips. "Why do you ask?"

"It's just...I was hoping to help..."

He peered over at the papers and noticed how every mission was filled, "Well, I guess you get a day off!"

"A day off?! I can't do tha—" she took in a deep breath as Sidon gave her a somewhat concerned look. "I mean, I can't just stand idle while everyone is doing their part. I am the Champion after all, I should be doing something. Maybe I could join some of the soldiers?"

"Mipha, I get that you're a Champion and all, but that doesn't mean that you have to be working nonstop. Go hang out with Kodah. Take a well-deserved nap. You do so much already, let our soldiers help you out a bit."

"A-Alright..." her hands slightly shook as she handed the clipboard to Sidon. "Yes... I'll take a break... If you need anything at all, you come get me right away, you hear me?"

"I will!"

Mipha slowly walked away from the group, and she stared down at her home with uncertainty. She had already finished all of her princess duties for the week. She couldn't help Tayli teach since there was no swimming class going on. Liana was busy training new architects. Valik and Klay were already out on their own missions elsewhere. Maybe she could help her father with his duties. Although, he would most likely refuse. She wanted to try anyway. She needed to keep herself busy.


Mipha slumped down into her chair and rested her head on the table. She thought back to her conversation with her father and how he demanded that she took the day off. She couldn't get his stern, worried voice out of her head. A small groan escaped her mouth, and she lifted up her head and peered around her room. The room was absolutely spotless with not even a speck of dust. She slammed her hand against the table as she pushed herself up. She walked over to her closet and opened it, Link's Zora armor standing in the center. She touched her hand to it and began inspecting all around it, but it was perfect. There was no flaw to be fixed about it.

"UGH!" She slammed her closet door shut and held her head in her hands. "Why can't I find anything to do?! Surely there is something!"


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