Chapter 58: Lust not Love

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Sidon stood atop Crenel Hills. He gazed out into the distance toward the Great Plateau. Charlotte had recently gone on tour all over Hyrule, although she skipped out on the desert as she did not want to worry about the heat. If everything went according to plan, she should be performing in the Temple of Time for the locals. Sidon hoped with all his heart that she was safe and well.

Mipha stepped to her brother's side. "Everyone is ready to head back. Are you ready?"

"Yeah..." Sidon took a small step back, but still focused on the plateau.

Mipha followed his gaze and gave a small smile. "She's alright, Sidon. I'm sure."

"I just miss her. It's been a month."

"And she'll be back in a week. You can hold out for a little longer."

"I guess I shouldn't be complaining, huh?" He gave her sly smile and she lightly nudged him.

"I'm sure she misses you too."

"You think?"

"Of course! We had to pry her away from you when she first left."

One of the captains approached behind the two and stood at attention. He cleared his throat and said, "Highnesses, I apologize for my interruption, but we best get going before evening breaks."

"Yes, thank you," Mipha said, subtly nodding her head. "Let us head back."


Mipha walked onto the sandy beach of Lurelin Village. She breathed in the cool sea breeze and gave a satisfied sigh, "Alright, Sidon. Let's head over to the docks to help... Sidon?"

Her little brother longingly gazed at the Lurelin entrance, his mind cluttered with thoughts of Charlotte. "Yeah, yeah, we'll do that..."

"Are you even listening to me?"


"Oh, Sidon. You've got two more days left. Don't be slacking off now."

"Wait, two days left? Mipha, Charlotte should be here today! I have to go find her!"

Sidon went to take a step, but Mipha pulled him back by his arm. "Oh no you don't! We've got an important mission to do here."

"It's just catching fish."

"It's not just catching fish! It's seeing why the fishers are having trouble catching fish! The village is suffering because of it. There could be some grave environmental concerns that they aren't aware of."

Sidon pouted. "Please, Mipha? I haven't seen Charlotte in so long! You can just do the mission. It's nothing that you wouldn't be able to handle."

Mipha narrowed her gaze and folded her arms. "Let's go to the docks," she ordered. "You are not allowed to see her until our work here is done."

"No! Come on, Mipha!"

"Do not give me that attitude! You can't be letting your duties as a prince fall to the side! People need our help!"

"Fine," he grumbled and begrudgingly followed his older sister to the docks.


Sidon dove down to the colorful reefs below. He captured some porgy in a net and rose to the surface, setting the flopping fish in the boat. He looked to Mipha and shrugged. "Everything seems healthy down there. I don't know what the problem is. Overfishing?"

"Could be." Mipha pondered. "I'm going to investigate a bit more. Stay here with the boat."

The Zora Champion dove down to the reefs. She swam past some small schools of fish all the way to the bottom of the reefs. She peeked into the small holes and crevices to see if there was anything hidden that could cause concern. There was nothing. She then swam around the surrounding areas, searching all of those hidden crevices. Still nothing. Everything was bright and healthy.

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