Chapter 27: Thread of Loyalty 1/4

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Mipha and Liana entered the Gerudo Palace, the morning sun not even rising yet. Urbosa sat proudly on her throne, although it was clear that her age was catching up with her.

The Chief smiled as she saw her dear friends, "Mipha, Liana, I'm glad you both made it here safely. I assume the rest of your troops are outside the walls?"

"Correct," Mipha nodded. "I just wanted to come in and thank you for letting all of us rest here for the night."

"Of course! Anything to stop those hooligans! Are you sure you don't need my help? I've heard their new leader is no pushover like Kogha was."

"No, it would be much safer for you to stay here. I don't want you hurting yourself."

Urbosa sighed, "What I'd give to reverse time and be rid of these old bones. Well, if I can't come along, at least let me send an extra batch of troops with you."

"Thank you, Urbosa. That would be much appreciated."

Urbosa smiled and eyed Liana, "Now you go and save your man."

Liana nodded proudly, "I will."


Dawn just rose over the horizon as the last of the troops were gathered. Mipha, Sidon, Valik, and Liana stood in front of all the troops, ready to address them all one final time before they were to strike.

"I will go over the plan once more!" Mipha announced. "The Yiga surely know of our coming. We must be prepared and ready for whatever plan of attack they have devised. All of you are to stay near Sidon and I, and heed to any orders we give. Valik and Liana will part together. Their goal will be to locate and bring Klay back to us. Once it is reported that Klay is found, we will all retreat. Does everyone understand?"

"ZO-ZO-RA-RA-RA!" The Zora guards cheered. The Gerudo soldiers simply raised up their weapons.

"Then here is our first plan of action!" Sidon took over. "Guard groups One through Five will travel with Mipha! You will head straight on towards the front entrance. Guard groups Six through Ten will be with me! We will attack from their back entrance closest to Gerudo Highlands! This will allow Valik and Liana to sneak through however way they choose! Our roles are to overwhelm and distract! We leave at Valik and Liana's ready!"

Mipha and Sidon looked to Valik and Liana. Valik set his hand on his sister's shoulder and gave a reassuring smile, "I'm ready. Are you?"

Liana took in a deep breath. This would be the moment to prove herself. Whatever Klay is going through at this moment will end right here and now.

"Let's move out!" Liana called out.


It wasn't even dawn yet and the Yiga Clan was already bustling about. The last of the food and decorations were being prepared. Plenty of the Yiga Clan were already gathering in their seats. The tailor and Klay were in their own fitting room, far from the many works of the Yiga.

The tailor adorned Klay with a special white, laced wedding garb. "Oh, Nadri will absolutely adore you," he patted down the garb. Klay faked a smile. "I just have to get the last of the accessories from the other room. I'll be back."

As the tailor exited the room, Klay looked at himself in the full-length mirror. A well of emotions were erupting inside him. He felt distraught. He felt immense guilt. He felt angry. He felt...forgotten. Today was the day where he would change from a Zora to a Yiga. Today would be the day where his life before must completely be forgotten. He didn't want that. He wanted to hold on to his life before. He wanted to hold on to his identity. But it has been a month. He has been stuck in this prison for a month where everyday he was used, manipulated, and abused by Nadri and Serdin in so many different ways. Maybe it was always going to be like this. It is possible that his fellow soldier was prevented from telling anyone of his situation. It is possible that no one at the Domain knows where he is.

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