Chapter 16: A New Side

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Mipha, Liana, and Tayli were all gathered in Mipha's room. They were seated on the table in the center, and Mipha and Liana had their mannequins adorned with Zora armor next to them.

"So, how did you both get the measurements?" Tayli asked, studying her rough sketch of Valik.

"I asked Sidon," Liana shrugged. "The leaders of the Guard have to know the measurements of everyone who is part of it. You know, for armor and stuff like that. It's the easiest way honestly. Sidon didn't even question me."

"Probably because he didn't even need to question," Mipha chuckled while sewing part of Link's armor. "Sidon knew exactly what you were doing."

"I doubt it."

"Sidon somehow found out about the armor I had for Link, even at his young age at the time. My brother is a master at reading between the lines."

"He won't tell, will he?" Liana's expression dropped, now doubting her own confidence.

"He won't. Now he would with me because, well, he did," Mipha slightly laughed. "Sidon was quite mischievous back then, but he's more trustworthy now."

"So, what do I do then?" Tayli looked to the two princesses. "Do I ask Sidon or..."

"I can get the information for you, Tayli," Mipha volunteered. "Since I'm the champion, I can access all that Sidon can and more."

"Great! Now for the actual look of the armor. So that means color, design, materials... Color seems the easiest to start with. What do you all think would be a good color for Valik?"

"What do you think? That's all that really matters."

"Oh, I don't know. He can really pull off anything."

"And this is where the long process begins," Mipha looked between both Tayli and Liana. Liana tilted her head. "You may come up with an idea now, but that idea will change and change the more you study your partner. I can't tell you how many times I've scrapped my ideas, especially for the Hero of Hyrule. My point, keep an open mind."

"Wish you told me that before I started!" Liana whined. "Now what happens if I change my mind later?" She gestured to Klay's Zora armor, which essentially had a complete foundation now.

"You'd have to restart," she smiled. "Now if you would have told me earlier, I could have told you all this beforehand."

"Yeah, yeah," Liana mumbled and began sketching more details of the armor on her paper.

"So anything could affect my ideas for a design?" Tayli tapped her chin.

"Yes, anything," Mipha confirmed. "I suggest watching Valik do something you've never quite seen him do before, or just be very observant of how he is and does everyday things."

"You know, come to think of it, I've never actually seen Valik full out fight anything before. I mean, I've seen him train and maybe kill a small group of monsters here and there."

"You've been dating Valik for how long and you've never seen him fight?!" Liana's mouth dropped.

"At least not the real deal," Tayli awkwardly laughed. "I mean, do you really blame me? I can't fight, why would I go where all the fighting is?"

"You know what? That's fair. Hey!" She slammed her hands on the table. "Make him teach you how to fight and then you really get to see him in action!"

"Me fighting? I-I don't know, would that come off as too suspicious?"

"Just wave it off as you...fulfilling your duty as an upcoming princess," Mipha chimed. "And if you really want to see his fighting abilities, make him fight a big horde of monsters—maybe even a lynel."

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