Chapter 10: Aftershocks~Unlocked

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Everyone had parted ways. All the champions quickly headed for their Divine Beasts while the other skilled warriors took it upon themselves to help wherever they could. Sidon and Liana went to the Domain, with Liana mostly helping the injured and Sidon helping all around the Lanayru Region. Aven, with much anxiety, headed back to Kakariko to help protect it. Valik and Alivia hurried their way to Hyrule Field. Their goal was to help evacuate anyone and everyone away from the brute force of Ganon.

The young Zora Prince and Hyrulean Princess rushed through Windvane Meadow to the Hyrule Garrison Ruins. Hylian soldiers and researchers of all kinds could be seen fleeing and fighting monsters and guardians.

"I'll start with the monsters," Valik huffed out. "You get the people out."

"Got!" Alivia shouted.

Valik pushed faster in front of Alivia, heading straight into the middle of the ruins. It was a clutter of chaos. Beams fired off every second and the grumbles of monsters overwhelmed all that could be heard. None of this made the prince cower, however. He was determined to help all that he could.

A crowd of red bokoblins had a young couple with three children cornered against a burning building. With a slash of his sword, Valik swept the whole swarm and helped the young family escape. He then went to the central building of the town. Sky guardians were shooting down at the citizens below, and all the soldiers' attempts were futile. Valik began to wave his arms at one of the sky guardians.

"Hey! Over here!" He yelled. The guardian's eye focused on him and it began to slowly loom over him, a laser planted firmly on his head. "Yeah, that's right! Keep aiming at me!"

Right as the beam blasted, Valik took out his shield and parried it back. The parried attack hit directly back into the guardian's eye, and Valik took advantage of the situation. He climbed up the remains of a rubbled building nearby, just tall enough to be above the dazed guardian. He hopped onto the mechanical monster and stabbed his sword into the core of it. Immediately the guardian lost its life. Before it fell to the ground, Valik jumped forward and rolled, already on his way to kill the next enemy.

While Valik continued to fight off the monsters, Alivia was going into every household, old and new. She fought a couple monsters here and there, but she ultimately was doing her best to avoid them.

The princess kicked down one of the doors to a burning building and covered her mouth with her arm, "Is anyone in here?!"

"Help!" A young teenager girl shrieked from under some fallen wood in the back of the building. Alivia immediately rushed to the girl and began to slowly lift up the heavy piece of wood. Once she lifted it enough to see the girl, her heart dropped. The girl's legs looked deeply burned. She would most likely not be able to walk, let alone stand.

"Here, grab my hand," she reached out and the girl weakly took it. Alivia tried to pull her while holding up the wood with her other arm. As she did, the girl cried out in pain.

"I'm sorry! It just hurts too much!"

"It's going to be okay! I just... ngh!" Another giant piece of burning wood fell on top of the one Alivia was holding up. The force toppled her to her knees.

"We're not gonna' make it!"

"No, no, we will! I just... need to..." her body shook as she tried to lift the wood up higher, but she had no luck. Her anxiety heightened as she felt the heat radiate off the wood. She feared that the fire would spread to it at any moment. "HELP! VALIK! SOMEBODY!"

Out of no where, a laser shot from the doorway of the building, and it sliced the wood into two, allowing the two young women freedom. Alivia looked around herself in surprise then to the door. She couldn't help but smile as she saw her little guardian friend.

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